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Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

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Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

The ped. doesn't want Christopher starting cereal until he's 4 months, but he has quite the appetite. He's currently eating about 8 oz every 2-3 hours and for the most part, he usually keeps it all down. I think it's a bit excessive, but I could be wrong. We're going to discuss it with the ped. at his 3-month appointment, but I was just curious. How much was your baby eating before you started on cereal? Did you end up starting sooner than 4 months?

Posted 10/13/05 9:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

Yes, I started sooner than 4 months, because my ped said once Cassidy was drinking over 32 oz. of formula that she should start cereal. I think she was about 3 months. 8 oz. every 2-3 hours sounds like alot!

Posted 10/13/05 9:53 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

At two months Jared was on cereal. I didn't tell the doctor though.Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/05 10:05 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

We just started Nate on cereal at 4 months. He drinks 6 oz every 4 hours and then 8 oz with some cereal for his last feeding at 7pm.

Posted 10/13/05 10:31 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

My dr recommended waiting until 4 months unless he starts drinking too much formula. So at about 3.5 months he stopped sleeping thru the night and wanting to eat. He started drinking over 32 oz of formula in a day and my dr said not to go over that amount. So I called my ped and told her and she recommended I try starting solids instead saying that was better than more formula. So I started rice cereal slowly at 3.5 months. He took to it right away so I felt I made the right decision. He loves his solids. Personally, I wouldn't start before 3 months since I had a baby with a digestive system which seemed to take time to mature and it took a month before I even seen the full effects. Also there is too much research out there saying you should not start too early esp in regards to food allergies and diabetes (which I have family history of).

Message edited 10/13/2005 12:57:12 PM.

Posted 10/13/05 12:55 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

Posted by Niecey

My dr recommended waiting until 4 months unless he starts drinking too much formula. So at about 3.5 months he stopped sleeping thru the night and wanting to eat. He started drinking over 32 oz of formula in a day and my dr said not to go over that amount. So I called my ped and told her and she recommended I try starting solids instead saying that was better than more formula. So I started rice cereal slowly at 3.5 months. He took to it right away so I felt I made the right decision. He loves his solids. Personally, I wouldn't start before 3 months since I had a baby with a digestive system which seemed to take time to mature and it took a month before I even seen the full effects. Also there is too much research out there saying you should not start too early esp in regards to food allergies and diabetes (which I have family history of).

Thank you. I'm definitely waiting until his 3-month appointment to discuss it with my doctor first. He eats more than 32 oz a day, so I'm sure he will be starting early...just HOW early is the question.

Posted 10/13/05 1:30 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

Posted by Stefanie

At two months Jared was on cereal. I didn't tell the doctor though.Chat Icon

Chat Icon I've heard of a lot of people starting earlier. My neighbor kept insisting that I start earlier. I was tempted to, but I think I'll wait it out. Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/05 1:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

i started at just before 4 months, but very slowly

Posted 10/13/05 1:45 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

at 2 months I started marissa on cereal I would give her 1 tablespoon and make it pretty liquidy and give it to her on the spoon then follow up with her bottle she would sleep alot longer

Posted 10/13/05 1:52 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Starting cereal sooner than 4 months?

Jake will be starting cereal as of his next appointment and he will be just about 4 months. Right now, he's eating 7 -7 1/2 ounces of formula per feeding (total of around 28oz a day) but he seems to be starting to want more. Our ped also told us not to go over 32oz so I'll let him go up to that if necessary and then he'll be starting solids in a couple of weeks anyway so he'll be pretty much right on target.

Posted 10/13/05 2:09 PM

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