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Jack's Big Music Show

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Jack's Big Music Show

Have any of you seen this show? We are LOVING it over here -- me and my DH that is, not even Emily. It is such a hysterical show.

Every day this little guy jack goes into a shed in his backyard where himself, his dog mel, and his bestfriend Mary play music. Everyday as he's going there his mom calls something out like "don't be too long, we have pilates in a half hour" or something like that and it's so funny.

It's basically like a music show for kids with videos and everything.

There was this one hysterical episode called "Mel's Super Swell Dance Party" and Mel, the dog, was the DJ and he played all hip-hop music and they were all dancing crazy. It was so funny.

My husband likes it so much he's been Tivo'ing every episode!

I wonder what those of you who have toddlers think? What do your kiddos think?

Here is the link to the show's info on

Message edited 11/15/2005 2:52:01 PM.

Posted 11/15/05 2:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

My daughter LOVES it. She has her favorite songs that she dances too.

Posted 11/15/05 2:57 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show


I sit there and watch it and I sing the songs and its sad cuz I know all the words already
plus if you go to you can get the songs and the words to them as well. Also you can watch the video's that go with the songs

Posted 11/15/05 3:09 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

Jared loves this show...I sing the opening song to him. I always crack up when I see Jack's foot tapping...a little stick with a shoe on it....Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 3:18 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

We don't have Noggin Chat Icon but I went to the website earlier with Aidan cause he is really dying to get his mitts on my keyboard.... and since he likes Dan Zanes so much....
He was bopping to the little music shows, I may have to get him a Laurie Nerkner CD he really loves music. Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 3:29 PM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

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Re: Jack's Big Music Show

We DVR it, it's Jordans favorite show right now, I took him to see Laurie Berkner when she was at Roseland last month - he loves her music!!

Posted 11/15/05 4:05 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

I am pretty up on children's music because I was a pre-k teacher for 3 years and a kinder for a year and now teach 1st -- so I have 5 years experience in Early Childhood and love playing music in my class -- so I had tons of favorites - but never heard of Laurie Berkener until the show. Now I've seen her CDs in Best Buy and Target and I think I'll have to get some for Emily.

I also love the way each episode kind of focuses on a different type of music --

Space Opera was opera
Mel's Super Swell Dance Party - rap/hip hip (BTW dancing nancy was so funny)

And there was an episode where Jack was afraid of Mary's Bugs and finally he realized they played music with them and he goes

"I want to jam with these bugs!" and went into this crazy guitar lick. It was just so funny. I'm loving watching it even if Emily isn't really old enough for it yet.

Posted 11/15/05 4:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

Cari and I love this show--- also OOBI. But, my favorite part of Noggin is the between shows with Laurie Berkner Band as an example and Zee/Moose. My favorite song is "Everywhere I go".

Posted 11/15/05 4:17 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

Okay, Oobi drives me nuts! I don't get a kick out of talking hands I guess! But I can see how young toddlers could relate to it with the simple language.

I LOVE Connie the Cow though -- that's another one we've been Tivo'ing. The artwork on it is just SO beautiful!

Posted 11/15/05 4:31 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Jack's Big Music Show

love this show. my 3 year old is nuts about it!!!the songs are good also. i enjoy it as well.

Posted 11/15/05 4:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

581 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

We LOVE it over here too! My DS just stares at the TV wiggling back and forth Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 4:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

We LOVE Noggin in our house. Jack loves Zee and Moose E Moose. His favorite show is Miffy! He goes wild when he hears the intro song.

Posted 11/15/05 5:13 PM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

We Tivo it too! And you're right, DH and I love it as much as Cole does. The Schwartzman quartet cracks me up! We always sing "come innnnnn" when someone knocks.

I'm trying to find someone to play and sing at Coles 1st birthday party. We're going to do Cole's Big Music Show. Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 5:34 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

My kids love it but Good Lord, are there only 5 episodes or something? Everytime I turn around its the one where Mel thinks hes a cat or the one with the Musical Genie. Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 7:11 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

Posted by Elizabeth

My kids love it but Good Lord, are there only 5 episodes or something? Everytime I turn around its the one where Mel thinks hes a cat or the one with the Musical Genie. Chat Icon

It's a brand new show. I think they only started making it in August or September or so -- yet they play it twice a day so there are a lot of repeats. Give them a few months and I'm sure they'll make more episodes.

Posted 11/15/05 7:12 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Jack's Big Music Show

all i will say is BONGO BIRDChat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 11:10 PM

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