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Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

491 total posts


Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

My DH and I are at slight odds about this. I want one and he wants my mother to come and help. His mother is unable to do so due to medical; issues. Several of my friends have had one and they all swear by it. Just curious if anyone else is??

Posted 3/28/06 5:44 PM
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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

we are not, but many of our friends have had baby nurses with their first child for the first week or two.

Posted 3/28/06 6:20 PM

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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

We are taking an infant care class that explains everything. Once you take the class they give you a phone number where you can call a nurse anytime with questions.

We are also having family take turns staying with us. MIL will be here for 4 days, DH's sister a week, my other SIL and brother live 20 minutes away and have offered to come by with meals and stuff. Plus, my DH will be taking a week and a half off. All in all I hope we will be covered for the first 3-4 weeks or so.

Posted 3/28/06 6:23 PM


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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

No, MIL wanted to pay for one for us but we wanted to figure it out ourselves.

Posted 3/28/06 8:22 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

I didn't have one.. I was not comfortable with having a stranger come in and handle the baby. Plus I didn't feel that I needed that type of help. I didn't ask my mom or stepmother or MIL to help with Molly much.
I needed someone to clean and do laundry. I had someone come in and my house was spotless and that was the best feeling EVER. My stepmom came in and did all my laundry and changed my sheets. It was perfect.
I did use a lacation consultant though I went to her office.

Posted 3/28/06 8:33 PM

Pookie Love

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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

My friend felt very unprepared and nervous about caring for her baby. She had a baby nurse the first 4-5 days and I know she felt it was worth every penny. She learned so so much from her. I remember her going to BRU like the second day she was home to buy all this stuff the nurse said they needed.

Posted 3/28/06 8:36 PM

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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

I didn't but my mom is a post partum doula so had the help. I do know one person who had a baby nurse which they found helpful.

Posted 3/28/06 11:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

For me, I felt that I needed help keeping the REST of the house together more than I needed/wanted help with the baby himself-- DH and I wanted to devote those first couple weeks to learning how to care for him ourselves. So we have had a cleaning service coming regularly, and for the first two weeks my mom came over almost every day, helping with laundry and bringing homemade food. Also I had prepared a couple wks worth of food to freeze before I gave birth. It felt so good to have the "other" stuff covered so I didn't feel like my home was a disaster while I focused on the baby.

But a baby nurse is a cool idea too, because I know they can take over the nighttime feedings, leaving you to sleep. Now THAT is something I would have enjoyed the past few wks!! :)

Posted 3/29/06 7:24 AM

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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

once Chat Icon is born the plan is for my mom to stay with us for a week or two and play "maid". she has offered to cook and clean while we get settled. she'll also act as "nurse" if need be...

i feel comfortable with this being that she is my mother, i would not feel comfortable with MIL.

Posted 3/29/06 10:16 AM

My Everything

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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

Posted by michele31

I didn't have one.. I was not comfortable with having a stranger come in and handle the baby. Plus I didn't feel that I needed that type of help. I didn't ask my mom or stepmother or MIL to help with Molly much.
I needed someone to clean and do laundry. I had someone come in and my house was spotless and that was the best feeling EVER. My stepmom came in and did all my laundry and changed my sheets. It was perfect.
I did use a lacation consultant though I went to her office.

Same here.

Posted 3/29/06 11:57 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

491 total posts


Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

Thanks for the input ladies.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/29/06 7:25 PM

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Re: Is anyone having a nurse to help and teach you when baby is born?

Posted by michele31

I didn't have one.. I was not comfortable with having a stranger come in and handle the baby. Plus I didn't feel that I needed that type of help. I didn't ask my mom or stepmother or MIL to help with Molly much.
I needed someone to clean and do laundry. I had someone come in and my house was spotless and that was the best feeling EVER. My stepmom came in and did all my laundry and changed my sheets. It was perfect.
I did use a lacation consultant though I went to her office.

I feel the same... I didnt want anyone else to handle the baby- I wanted to do it, all of it!

Now the housework on the gets to be alot...

Id get someone to come in and clean before Id get a "nurse"..

Also- someone gave me this piece of advice before I had Ryan. "When people ask to help you... give them a load of laundry to do, or a housework chore." Thats the help you need (unless of course you need a nap) Spend time with your baby- it goes so fast!

Posted 3/29/06 7:44 PM

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