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How did baby start sleeping through the night?

Forum Opinion Poll
I stopped giving him/her the middle of the night bottle 1 4.00%
He/She gradually increased the hours he/she slept on his/her own schedule 9 36.00%
The baby just suddenly slept through the night one night 11 44.00%
I weaned baby off the nighttime feeding 3 12.00%
Other - please explain 1 4.00%

Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

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Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Did you make your baby skip a feeding in order to train him to sleep through the night?

For example, Jake goes down at around ten and then gets up at about 2:30am every night for a bottle then sleeps again till around 6:30am. If he would just skip that bottle I would be jumping for joy.

Alot of people have suggested to me that instead of giving him that 2:30am bottle I just try to get him back to sleep. They say it will be hard for the first 3 - 4 nights but then he will be trained to sleep through the night.

Is this how you got your baby to sleep thru or did he/she just sleep through one night on their own and missed their feeding? Did they slowly increase the time they slept by increments of 1/2 hrs or something like that therefore pushing back their feeding? Or did you slowly decrease the middle of the night feeding to wean them off of it entirely? Or did they just suddenly sleep 8 hrs one night?

Posted 8/24/05 2:18 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Connor just did it one night. He never woke for his middle of the night feeding. We had a few instances where he did but now he sleeps straight through.

I think it is too early for you to try and make him not wake. I know it is annoying to have to get up but it will happen soon.

Posted 8/24/05 2:56 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

What I did was I gave marissa cereal at nite at her last feeding and then she slept through the nite

Posted 8/24/05 2:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Jared just started sleeping through the night one night...Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 2:59 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Sandra, I tried skipping the 3 am feeding Monday night and Nate wasn't having it. I got him to sleep another hour and then he woke up screaming.

So now instead of giving him the full 6oz bottle, I give him 4oz. I plan to do it for a few more days and then just decrease it little by little until he doesn't need it. I hope that works.

I hope to be working by the beginning of Sept and I would be great if he'd sleep through the night.

Posted 8/24/05 3:01 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Posted by Stefanie

Jared just started sleeping through the night one night...Chat Icon

You're so lucky!!

Posted 8/24/05 3:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

After Grace slept to 4:00am a few nights, I knew she could do with out her bottle. So if she woke up before 4:00am and I couldn't get ner back to sleep, I would put her in her bouncy and hold her off until 4:00am. Then she had a few nights where she slept to 6:00am. So I repeated the drill. By 2 months she no longer needed the middle of the night bottle.

Posted 8/24/05 3:05 PM

Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Anthony just started sleeping through the night on his own.
I don't know how other babies are but I tried a few times to get Anthony to go back to sleep without a bottle and there was NO getting him to sleep without it. He would literally scream no matter what I did unless there was a bottle in his mouth.

The day he turned 12 weeks I started feeding him cereal and formula in a bowl. I gave it to him for breakfast and a little before bed. He slept through the night for the first time that evening so we decided to stick with what worked and used the cereal.

Posted 8/24/05 3:40 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Jesse just gradually increased his sleep - five hours, then seven hours, nine hours and he's now between nine and ten hours per night and he is just shy of four months old. Once in a while he'll sleep close to eleven hours. He has not had any cereal yet - just BM.

Posted 8/24/05 4:26 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Alex's feedings were also at 2-3 am and 6 am for a while but all of a sudden when he was 2 and 1/2 months he started sleeping through the night without the feeding and now he is sleeping 12 hours from 7 p.m. to 7 am and he just turned 3 months today. If you be patient he'll start sleeping through the night.

Posted 8/24/05 4:38 PM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Sandra - he's only a month old. Give him some time.....he'll do it on his own. Most children don't sleep the night until 3 months.

Posted 8/24/05 4:40 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Posted by lorimarie

Sandra - he's only a month old. Give him some time.....he'll do it on his own. Most children don't sleep the night until 3 months.

I kind of agree that he just might not be ready at 7 weeks old. But people keep telling me (I know - everybody's got advice!) that if I continue this way he's just going to develop poor sleeping habits and he'll always want that feeding. I'm concerned because I have to go back to work in about 6 weeks and it would be a whole lot easier if he was sleeping through at that point. DH is really in favor of trying this out too so I'm just torn about what to do. I just wish I knew if we were on the right track or not. Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 10:21 PM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Posted by lorimarie

Sandra - he's only a month old. Give him some time.....he'll do it on his own. Most children don't sleep the night until 3 months.

I agree, give him some time and then go from there... he's so little that he needs that feeding during the night still.Chat Icon
PS - don't listen to everyones adviceChat Icon it'll drive you crazy... everyone has THE answer.... I got so tired of listening on how to take care of my children I realized that I had to do it MY way Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 10:49 PM

Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05

2048 total posts


Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

Posted by BabyAvocado

Posted by lorimarie

Sandra - he's only a month old. Give him some time.....he'll do it on his own. Most children don't sleep the night until 3 months.

I kind of agree that he just might not be ready at 7 weeks old. But people keep telling me (I know - everybody's got advice!) that if I continue this way he's just going to develop poor sleeping habits and he'll always want that feeding. I'm concerned because I have to go back to work in about 6 weeks and it would be a whole lot easier if he was sleeping through at that point. DH is really in favor of trying this out too so I'm just torn about what to do. I just wish I knew if we were on the right track or not. Chat Icon

Anthony started sleeping through the nights and he does NOT have a problem sleeping at all!!! Once we hit that point that he slept through the night.. he did so every single night.
I agree that right now since all he is getting is that formula and he is only a month old I would leave him be. It important he get all that formula in to help him develop and grow. Thats like us making you skip dinner Chat Icon
IMO they don't wake up out of habit they wake up out of hunger.

Posted 8/24/05 11:37 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

My baby little by little started sleeping longer stretches on his own. So he would eat at 11, 2, and 5 at first but little by little he cut out the 2am would get 15-30 mins longer each week after about a month or two. By 3 months he slept from 11 to 6 am on his own. And since little by little it has gotten longer although now he wakes up at night but I think it is teething.

Posted 8/25/05 10:27 AM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another sleeping thru the night question - skip a feeding? w/poll

When Michael was approx. 2 months I would make sure to try to rock him back to sleep before picking him up and feeding him most of the time it would work for a little while then he'd really start to cry so I'd feed him. After a while his body just got used to going for longer periods of time in between feedings at night. But I always gave him at least 2 more ounces of formula at bedtime.

Posted 8/25/05 11:18 AM

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