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Opinions please (sorry so long)

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Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Opinions please (sorry so long)

I do have an infection in my breast. I have fever, chills, and pain. I am starting an antibiotic.

So my Dr. told me he thinks I should stop pumping (I am pumping only, not nursing) but of course it is my choice.

To be honest, I really hate doing it. It is extrmely painful tp pump, especially now.

I have been trying all the different attachments with the pump, I don't know if I am doing it wrong or what but it is getting more and more painful and I have been doing it for 3 weeks.
I am feeling guilty though, that I will not be giving Katherine bm- When we had to give her fromula in the first week she did not digest it as well.
My mother says she is better off having a happy Mommy then breastmilk- what would you do?

Posted 12/21/05 5:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

What doctor did you speak to?
You 100% DO NOT need to stop. I pumped for a year, full-time since Molly did not latch. I pumped thru plugged ducts OUCH...but never had this infection. It is called Mastitis. In fact you need to continue pumping despite it hurting like hell to help clear the infection up.

Mastitis (breast infection) is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. In fact, the breast is likely to heal more rapidly if the mother continues breastfeeding on the affected side. (See handout #22 Blocked Ducts and Mastitis)
Info on Mastitis

Now I can help you with the pumping stuff. What type of pump are u using? You need a hospital grade pump if your baby is under 12 weeks old for the most part. I will PM you my phone number. I am more than happy to walk you thru pumping and schedules and how to get past this hurdle.

Another consideration is seeing a Lacation Consultant.

I agree you need to be happy too..but you can pump and be happy. It is possible.

Posted 12/21/05 5:27 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

I agree with your mom. You've given your daughter a great start with the BM that you did give her.

I wanted to try BF but my son wouldn't latch on even with help from LC. I pumped for the first 5 weeks, but I had major supply issues and I was just miserable everytime I had to do it. I felt guilty at first but I was much happier mommy when I stopped.

Good luck with your decision. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/21/05 5:30 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

If bfeeding is reaaly, really important to you - I would contact a LC to try to get Katie to latch on - or try to help you improve your situation (to see if you are doing things properly) or call Linda Zuccaro - she offers bf support for free!!

That being said - there is nothing wrong with a formula fed baby (regardless of what some people here may tell you!!!) and if you want to change that is ok too.

Your mom is right - you have to do what is best for you - because in turn, that is what is best for the baby.

Posted 12/21/05 7:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

Posted by steph4777

I agree with your mom. You've given your daughter a great start with the BM that you did give her.

I wanted to try BF but my son wouldn't latch on even with help from LC. I pumped for the first 5 weeks, but I had major supply issues and I was just miserable everytime I had to do it. I felt guilty at first but I was much happier mommy when I stopped.

Good luck with your decision. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I had a similar experience to this... I actually tried to continue pumping through a clogged duct, and it also got slightly infected.. Hurt like a B@(*#).. My nips started cracking and peeling and bleeding HORIFFICALLY... I was much happier once I stopped, despite the disappointment in the beginning.. My sons belly adjusted by then as well.. HTH.. Good Luck

Posted 12/21/05 7:44 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

Posted by MrsR

If bfeeding is reaaly, really important to you - I would contact a LC to try to get Katie to latch on - or try to help you improve your situation (to see if you are doing things properly) or call Linda Zuccaro - she offers bf support for free!!

That being said - there is nothing wrong with a formula fed baby (regardless of what some people here may tell you!!!) and if you want to change that is ok too.

Your mom is right - you have to do what is best for you - because in turn, that is what is best for the baby.

I agree 100%. My sisters & I were all formula fed babies. I nursed for 11 mos & 5 mos for my kids. My twin nursed just under 3 yearsChat Icon . Don't feel guilty about making this choice. Do whatever is important to you - whatever that may be.

Posted 12/21/05 9:58 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

Stef- If you are uncomfortable, unhappy, or stressed your baby will feel that...I pumped so often my nipples were bleeding...I contacted a LC... but by the time the apt. came I was so stressed...I opted to stop...

Ryan was given BM for the first month...and now I look back, and Im so happy he at least got that!

I felt guilty @ first...but once my nipples healed, and I was no longer uncomfortable... or stressed from being glued to the couch (between the pumping and feedings) I realized I made the best choice for me and my baby...

I think Jen said it best...if this is real important than def. go see a LC...they will help you get back on track...

And if you wanna stop...stop...feel proud you gave your daughter as much as you did...and dont let ANYONE....ESP PEOPLE FROM HERE... make you feel guilty about it!

BFING for a not the "right" choice for everyone... Some its few days, some a few months, some even a few years...Chat Icon

Posted 12/21/05 10:16 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

Thank you all for your help.

I think at this point I am going to wait to make a decision to stop pumping once the infection clears, mostly because it hurts too much not to pump right now and with the fever I really can't take the pain.

Maybe once the infection is gone I will feel a little more positive about it, but at least I will have a clear head.

(Of course this decision may go aout the window at 4 am- we'll see)

Posted 12/21/05 11:03 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

Posted by sunny

Thank you all for your help.

I think at this point I am going to wait to make a decision to stop pumping once the infection clears, mostly because it hurts too much not to pump right now and with the fever I really can't take the pain.

Maybe once the infection is gone I will feel a little more positive about it, but at least I will have a clear head.

(Of course this decision may go aout the window at 4 am- we'll see)

Awww Steph I am sorry you're going through this. I know that being a new mom is hard enough and then to add other things to it just makes it that much harder.
I haven't had mastitis but I have had clogged ducts which hurt pretty bad but you have to pump/nurse through them in order to get them cleared.
I totally understand how torn you are about stopping pumping and going to straight formula. I have been plagued with this decision since day 1 and every time I think I am going to stop I just can't do it. My daughter does so much better on breastmilk than formula and I have been through every kind of formula.
Is there a reason you only pump? Is that your preference? I have to do both because I have a low supply but nursing is definitely a nice break from the pump so I try to alternate throughout the day.
I have just finished a week of pumping only so I know how draining that can be. We were trying my daughter on just formula to see if it helped her acid reflux (it didn't). I thought after that I would be able to give up breastfeeding but the guilt consumes me. So for me right now even though its a lot of work and a real PITA in the end I think it makes me happier to do it than not.
Sorry this is so long and all over the place. I guess what I am trying to get at is that if you are going to feel super guilty now may not be the time to stop but if you can just stop and know that you did it for as long as you could and not feel guilty than go to straight formula.
What about doing both for a little while? I have had to supplement Miranda with formula from the beginning since I don't have enough of a supply to sustain her. Could you try that and maybe phase into formula and give yourself time to adjust to the idea?
Good Luck.
FM me anytime you need to talk about pumping or supplementing. I've been pumping for 3 months now. It does get easier and kind of becomes part of life.
I do agree with Michelle though about renting a hospital grade pump. I am still using mine. It is so much faster and efficient and it will help empty you better and keep you with a good supply.
Another idea.....I don't know how much extra milk you make but what about pumping and freezing as much extra as you can until you've had enough of the whole thing then give her that until you run out?
OK I'm done for now. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/21/05 11:20 PM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

I just wanted to give you Chat Icon Chat Icon , Im sure this has to be painful. I have had plugged ducts a few times and that was very painful but not as bad as an infection. Definitely continue to pump till the infection is totally gone and then make a choice about continuing. In the end you have to do what makes you happy and most comfortable and never feel any guilt.

I just wanted to add that I had to buy larger horn attachments for my pump (medela PISA) in order to be comfortable pumping, possibly this might make it more comfortable if you decided to continue

Posted 12/22/05 2:24 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Opinions please (sorry so long)

I am so sorry. I know how painful it can be to pump when your breasts are so sore.

I would suggest getting a larger size horn also.
The Medela ones come in larger and extra larger sizes. That made a big differene for me and it hurst alot less.

Posted 12/22/05 2:30 PM

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