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Is he teething or does he have an ear infection?? long

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Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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Is he teething or does he have an ear infection?? long

John was in the Dr's on Monday, he looked in his ears and saw nothing. He got 3 shots that day so I knew he would be irratable. I had given him tylenol before going to the dr and 4 hours later and he was fine, his happy self. That night he slept terrible. I was watching him in his crib and he was getting frustrated and pulling his ear (and his hair). Yesterday he was miserable, I couldnt put him down, he slept terrible again, I gave him his teethers, cold water and he would scream. Last night was the same thing, he was up every 20-30 mins, no ear pulling though. By 6am he was up and I was crying because I am so tired.

DH thankfully took him for me and got me 2 extra hours of sleep. He gave John some tylenol and he slept until 9ish. I feed him and bathed him and he fell asleep at 12 for about 45 mins. Again he was cranky and crying so I gave him more tylenol and he is sleeping now.

I read what to expect the first year and every symptom of teething he has (cant feel the gums or see them since he isnt cooperative), but if I look under ear infections its the same freakin symptoms. Do I wait it out for a day or two and call the dr? I would hate for him to hhave an ear infection since he will be taking his first plane ride in 2 weeks

Posted 7/20/05 3:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Is he teething or does he have an ear infection?? long

I just had something very similar with Cassidy. She's been teething for a while, still has no teeth and had been very irritable for a couple of days last week. She was pulling on her right ear, so I took her to the Dr, but her ears were totally clear.
The Dr. said that when they are teething, they drool alot, get running noses, etc., and the extra fluid can build up and cause pressure in their ears, but they don't have an ear infection.

BUT...if it were me, I'd take him to the Dr. anyway. Better to be safe than sorry.

Hope he feels better!!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/05 3:36 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is he teething or does he have an ear infection?? long

I would take him back to the dr. - it can't hurt...especially if you are planning on a plane trip, if it is an ear infection, the sooner you begin to treat it the better.
My son had one ear infection, and he did not have those symptoms...but I know my nieces and nephews all did!
How old is he?

Posted 7/20/05 3:58 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Is he teething or does he have an ear infection?? long

Marissa gets the same way at times and it is from the teeth when she is like this I have given her motrin and she slept alot better. Plus I would give her a pacifier when she would go to sleep so she had something to chew on and it helped with her

Posted 7/20/05 3:59 PM

LIF Infant

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Mom of 2

Re: Is he teething or does he have an ear infection?? long

OMG have I been down THAT road so many times before including this week!! My dr says that just because they pull doesnt mean ear could be teething or him just finding his ears and tugging at the first thing he feels for. After 3 ear infections in less than 6 months I FINALLY figured out the sign that makes me take my son to the DR. If he has a runny nose or a cough then gets really cranky an ear infection usually followed. There was actually once he was just SO HARD to read because he didnt cry much that by the time I took him it was a "really bad" ear infection. Soooo my point is - take him again. Thats what the dr is there for. And if you have a dr that makes you feel stupid for bringing him in because he is find, request not to see that dr again like I had to do with my practice. It is so hard to read these little guys and you are ALWAYS better safe than sorry. My regular dr always tells me if you are unsure bring him in and we'll take a look. no harm done. Good luck to you and I hope he feels better!!!!!

Posted 7/20/05 4:28 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

5909 total posts


Re: Is he teething or does he have an ear infection?? long

Thanks ladies, I did take him to the Dr and thankfully he does not have an ear infection. He said tylenol at bedtime and maybe humphreys teething tablets should help

Posted 7/20/05 7:05 PM

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