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Gallbladder problems

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

719 total posts


Gallbladder problems

Has anyone ever had problems with their gallbladder? For a little more than a week, I was feeling really sick, very nauseous, pains around the center of my chest and back and lightheaded. I work in a school, and on Tuesday, I went to my school nurse to have her take my blood pressure, because I was very lightheaded. I do have high blood pressure (my lower number is high) On Tuesday, it was 130/98. I told her my other symptoms, and she told me to see my dr. I could only get an appt with the nurse practicioner, so I saw her. She told me my problem was that I have gained 10 lbs. (I have gained the 10 pounds, but from where I want to be. Even now, I am in a healthy weight range.....) She then told me she wasnt even concerned with my blood pressure (even though I am seeing a cardiologist) I couldnt even ask her about my gallbladder because I was so upset.

Since this Tuesday, I have been eating healthy, and totally avoiding fatty food (fried). For a short while after eating, I get very mild pains, but nothing in comparison to what they were. Tonight, stupid me was craving Wendys, and because I have been feeling well, I decided to have it. Well, now I am in pain. I'm truly starting to wonder if this is my gallbladder. Just wanted to know if anyone else had these experiences. Thanks!!!

Posted 3/18/06 8:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

20229 total posts


Re: Gallbladder problems

My mom had gallbladder surgery back when I was in High School. It sounds like a possibility to me - I would go to an internist or a gastroentorologist. Good luck!

Posted 3/18/06 9:01 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Gallbladder problems

I had my gallbladder out a few years ago because I had a few attacks due to stones (young women shouldn't get's thought that the pill may be a contributing factor)

I was on vacation in FL the first time...had a steak dinner and felt like I had a bad case of gas all night.

Came home...had a girls night of chinese food and Ben N Jerry's and that night I was vomitting, fever, sweats & chills, couldn't lie down, sit up, or stand up....I thought I was dying. My dad thought it was food poisioning. I had incredibly sharp pains on my right side that radiated to my back.

Before my surgery I lived on salads, light foods and little portions, and carvel non fat ice cream.

IT's a possibilty, I self diagnosed on and it was confirmed by the dr's. Get it checked out.

EAT: gaining weight in a short time period is also a contributing factor

Message edited 3/18/2006 9:07:09 PM.

Posted 3/18/06 9:06 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

719 total posts


Re: Gallbladder problems

Thanks girls.....the carvel non fat could def help me through this tho!!!!!!!

Posted 3/18/06 9:07 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Gallbladder problems

I had mine out when I was 26...I had attacks starting a few years earlier but they dismissed it because of my age and finally sawon a sono the gall stones.

A sonogram can easily detect gall stones, and your symptoms sound like this could be a possibilty...

For me it was mainly intense pain in my side radiating to my back and nothing made it better, standing, laying down, nothing and always after eating something dairy or fried or spicy.

Have your primary Dr check you out

and feel better soon! Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/06 9:21 PM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

5857 total posts


Re: Gallbladder problems

Not to scare you but get it checked ASAP!! Last year I had mine removed in an emergency surgery b/c I had no symptoms at all, except a little heartburn for a week. I had a ton of stones and it was infected, I had alot of complications and was in the hospital for 2 months b/c I wound up getting pancreatitis from it. They said had I know something was wrong this could have all been avoided by catching it early. Like I said I don't want to scare you but I would never wish what I went through on my worst enemy, get checked, it can't hurt! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Hope you feel better!

Posted 3/18/06 9:25 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

719 total posts


Re: Gallbladder problems

Thanks everyone. I guess I will go back to my real dr on Monday!

Posted 3/18/06 9:29 PM

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