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Ladies that were induced

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Little Angel

Member since 10/05

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Ladies that were induced

Can you please tell me about your expierence? How long did it take from the time you were induced until you delivered? I'm going in at 9am on Tuesday. Just curious as to what to expect. How far along were you at the time? Right now I'm 1cm and 75% effaced. I go back Monday for a recheck to see if I dialated any more.

Any info you can provide would be great.

Posted 8/18/06 3:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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it's me

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Re: Ladies that were induced

I was 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. I was given pitocin on and off and was in labor for 24 hours with my first baby.

Posted 8/18/06 3:22 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies that were induced

First off - let me say it was the best experience of my LIFE!!
I was 5 days late and 0 % effaced and 0% dialated. Apparently - when i entered the hosiptal i was contracting 6-7 minutes apart and didn't feel a thing!

Checked into the hosiptal at 7 pm.
Got cerividal inserted at 9 pm - not one of the best experiences of my life - but bareable.

Started contracting to 2 cm then stopped. Was given Stadal (sp?) so that I could sleep easily through the night since my contractions were getting uncomfortable.

Cervidial was removed in the morning probably around 7 am was I remained at 2 cm and softening.

At 9 am - I was given Pitocin.
Ohh boy - contractions started shortly after that - asked for an epi an hour later - at 10:50 am - I was at 10 cm and was ready to push.

My daughter was born at 11:11 am - not even a 1/2 later.

The best experience of my life and so happy to meet my little girl!

Best of Luck to you - you will be fine!!! how exciting!!!!

Posted 8/18/06 3:27 PM

Brothers For Life

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies that were induced

I was induced six days after my due date. I was about 2cm and 50% effaced. I went into the hospital the night before so the doctor could implant cervidil and be monitored just in case I went into labor. In the morning, arouind 7am, they removed the tab and we waited for me to dialate a bit more, at about 4cm (8:30 am) they broke my water and at 8:45 they started the pitocin. This is when labor started for me. Yes, the contractions wer hard and fast. I was open to having an epidural and at 11am I asked for it. They had a tough time, tried twice, change of dr., on the third shot epi was in. I then went to sleep. At about 3:30pm I had the feeling to push (okay it was a bit earlier than that, but I was scared so I didn't tell the nurses!!!) I pushed for about 2 hrs and out came a baby boy at 5:55pm!

Good luck, and just remember that you can do it no matter what way you do it in.

Posted 8/18/06 3:51 PM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: Ladies that were induced

I was 2 weeks late and measurng 2 cm for those 2 weeks. I was induced on monday night around 6 with pitocin and something else cant rememeber what. tuesday night at around 7 I was 9 cm dilated but at 8:00 I was rushed in for an emergency c-section because my sons heart rate dropped from 140 to 40. he was delivered at 8:05 so for me being induced didnt work too well but good luck to you.

Posted 8/18/06 4:01 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies that were induced

i was induced because my water ruptured (didnt break just leaked) and labor didnt start on its own. At 8:30am, the doc came in to check me i was 90% effaced and 2 1/2 cm, he broke my water and started the pitocin. By 9am i was in fast hard labor, 3:15pm I was ready to start pushing and at 4:02pm DD was born.

Posted 8/18/06 4:05 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Ladies that were induced

I was induced at 8 days late and didn't have the baby until 11 days basically I spent around 3 days in mild labour trying to have this kid. Its not as if you walk into the hospital they give you a magic shot and your baby pops out...its painful, and can be LONG...

obviously the rewards are fantastic, but just be aware it can be a not so great experience or a fantastic one.

Posted 8/18/06 4:30 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Ladies that were induced

4 days late and 1.5 cm dilated. Cervidil placed 7pm removed following day and 7am. Broke water and started Pitocin 10 am. Labored on my own for 3 hours, had epidural and 5 pushes later DD was here. (4:02 pm) Total labor=6 hours(mostly of chatting and laughing). I wish you one just as good or better Chat Icon

Message edited 8/18/2006 4:47:45 PM.

Posted 8/18/06 4:46 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: Ladies that were induced

I was only a fingertip but was becoming preeclamptic.

Induction started at 5pm Monday...5am Tuesday only 1cm!Chat Icon

Then the $hit hit the fan and my water broke at 7am and I was given nice pitocin and slept...woke up at 11:30am and was 5cm. Then given epidural and progressed...hit 10cm at 7pm started pushing a little after 7pm and she was born 7:50pm

Message edited 8/18/2006 5:19:10 PM.

Posted 8/18/06 5:18 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

1372 total posts


Re: Ladies that were induced

I was 2 cm and 50% effaced. I received pitocin at 930am and was 2cm. At 1130am I was 7cm. By 1pm I was walking down to the delivery room and at 203pm DS was born. It was a very quick day for me.

Posted 8/18/06 5:24 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

5909 total posts


Re: Ladies that were induced

I was 1 cm dialated and 75% effaced, I was given cervidil on Monday at 8:00pm. I started having contractions 2 hours later and they were 12 mins apart. By 9am Tuesday I was only 2-3 cent. Dr started Pitocion. Contractions were more intense by 2:30 I was only 5 cent and a decision to have a c-sect was made. My pelvis was to narrow for his head to come down.

Posted 8/18/06 6:20 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Ladies that were induced

I was stuck at 2cm and almost all effaced. I went in at 7 or 8am (ran late), they started Pitocin at 10am. Broke my water around 3/3:30ish. Got my epidural soon thereafter and delivered at 9:27pm. I didn't even realize I had to push....the nurse came to check me and said not to push because she was ready to pop out!!

Posted 8/18/06 8:18 PM

My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: Ladies that were induced

I was induced and am planning on doing it again in Dec. It was a great experience. Dr. started the pitocin at about 3:00 p.m. I was already 3 cm. and by 6:00 I had the epidural. My DS was born at 9:45. It wasn't a big deal at all. The only thing I'd like to do differently with my Chat Icon the 2nd time around is NO demerol. It made me too sleepy and I felt like I couldn't give it my all when it was time to push.
Good luck!

Posted 8/18/06 8:26 PM

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