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To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05 21840 total posts
Name: To a brand new year to a healthier me
good movie on lifetime
its called michellebrown Identity theft.
so far its a about a lady named michelle brown who got a new house and she has good credit and has a 5000 dollar limit on her card. well this lady where she is getting a loan for the house michelle gave her some paper's to give this guy and this lady opened up her file and it had her credit card number on it and she bought a computer, jewlery, clothes and now she has a big bill that she never charged so now i think she is going to fight it. also the crazy lady just went to the Dmv and got a new license with michelle browns name on it. you have to watch it. its really 45 on lifetime you have to watch it.
Posted 2/18/06 7:27 PM |
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