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Store Brand Formula?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

982 total posts


Store Brand Formula?


After seeing how expensive formula is, I am considering buying the store brand after I use my coupons for the name brands. I am considering the Especially for Baby brand of formula sold at BRU.

Has anyone used this brand?? Is it a mistake to use the store brand. The ingredients are all the same, but I feel like a "bad" mommy if I do this, like I am going to try to skimp out on her health?

Any suggestions, please be honest with me if you think this is a bad idea?

Posted 8/16/05 12:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Store Brand Formula?

My girlfriend raised her son on the Kirkland brand formula from Costco - he's huge and perfectly healthy.

For me I couldn't do it - Ava had some problems with some formulas so when we found one that worked I didn't dare switch - I think you can try it and if she does well on it then stick with it.

Posted 8/16/05 8:03 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

528 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

Formula is expensive but very important. I personally would not trust a store brand. I am sure they are fine but this is your babies main source of nutrition in the first year. Enfamil and Similac have been around since we were babies.

Posted 8/17/05 11:57 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

I read this small blurb in yesterday's Newsday. I BF, but if I had to use formula, I would easily use a store brand, based on the guidelines all infant formula must pass:

FDA REGULATION OF INFANT FORMULA. The safety and nutritional quality of infant formulas are ensured by requiring companies to follow manufacturing procedures. A 1980 law known as the Infant Formula Act gives the FDA authority to create and enforce standards for commercial infant formulas. Manufacturers must analyze each batch for nutrient levels and product safety. They must then test samples to make sure the product remains in good condition while it is on the market shelf. Infant formulas also must have codes on their containers to identify each batch and manufacturers must keep detailed records of production and analysis.

Posted 8/17/05 1:04 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

I've recently heard (may have been on this site) that the Kirkland brand at Costco really IS has the same ingrediants and if you look at the bottom it says made by Enfamil (haven't seen it myself yet).

Posted 8/17/05 1:06 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

393 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

I used Enfamil Lipil with my son, but next baby I would consider using a different brand that is cheaper - from what I read they are all held to the same standards and I see no problem with it.

Posted 8/17/05 1:46 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

I found this:
There are some differences, notes Robert Baker, MD, co-chief of gastroenterology and nutrition at the Children's Hospital of Buffalo and a member of the AAP's committee on nutrition, but the generic formulas are definitely adequate. That's because all formulas sold in the U.S. must comply with minimum health standards set by the FDA. However, unlike brand-name formulas, store brands aren't continually tinkering with their recipes -- adding extra ingredients, for example, or making changes to the protein makeup or the ratio of one nutrient to another. And this tweaking, which aims to make formula more like breast milk, may add benefits in terms of baby's growth and development.

"But none of the evidence definitively states that the newer formulas are better," says Dr. Baker. So if parents are trying to save money, they can consider using the store brands.

Posted 8/17/05 4:26 PM

Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05

1229 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

I had asked my pediatrician the same question. He said they are all fine. They are regulated by the FDA. It won't harm your baby. He said my daughter might not prefer the taste. So I said to him, "Oh, kind of like Coke and Pepsi. It's the same thing but tastes slightly different." He laughed and said "yes."

Posted 8/17/05 8:13 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

it's widely known that Kirkland and even WalMart manufacture for the name brand stores. Look at the ingredients and nutritional info. Ingredients on ANYTHING are listed in order of amount in them (IE: the first ingredient is the most dominant, etc)

Posted 8/17/05 9:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

Don't feel guilty about using a store brand vs a brand that pays a ton in advertising. All store brands are manufactured by "major" companies, however, they may be slightly different. The FDA regulates all of the formulas (as someone posted) and provide just as good of nutrition as the next. The difference will be how the little tummy handles different brands/special formulas.

I used Target brand formula and my daughter was fine with it. I needed to supplement her with formula since I was pregnant and having a hard time keeping my supply up for BF. Upstate, Target seemed to have the best deal on the formula...

Posted 8/18/05 12:48 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

177 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

My DS is on the Kirkland Brand and has no problems with it. He has been on it since about four months (he is now 6). The can says compare to Enfamil Lipil.

You can't beat the price either. It costs $13.99 for can which makes about 268 ounces.

Posted 8/18/05 1:58 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 1/08

1 total post


Re: Store Brand Formula?

I have been using Kirkland Brand formula for the past 6 weeks. My baby girl is doing fine on it. I was concerned about it at first, but I did some research on it and found that has the same ingredients as Enfamil and Similac. I also asked my baby's doctor about it and he said he had no problem with me using it. He said there are federal guidelines on Formula and he believe it is made by Enfamil. I would never compromise my babies health, I did my research before I started using it. The Kirkland Brand is 1/2 the price on Enfamil. Also, my baby's birth weight is 4 pounds 7 ounces, she is now 6 months old and weighs 18 pounds. She is growing fine with this formula.

Posted 1/1/08 9:59 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Store Brand Formula?

We use Target brand.

I am a food broker - and I can tell you that the manufacturers are the SAME for private label (Enfamil, SImilac) as for store brands. No difference whatsoever - except for specialized formulas.

Posted 1/1/08 10:15 PM

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