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Signs of Ovulation

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Big sister to be!

Member since 11/05

2174 total posts


Signs of Ovulation

What are some of the physical signs of when u are ovulating, besides your temperature? I think it should be around now for me, but I don't 'feel' anything. Should I be?

Posted 1/26/06 8:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Signs of Ovulation

Not everyone has 'physical' signs of ovulation, unfortunately. That is why charting is a good tool when you don't have physical symptoms. Or even using OPKs help when you just cannot pinpoint your O time based on physical factors...

BUT generally speaking, the most obvious physical symptom of ovulation would be to check your cervical mucus throughout the month...(aka "CM")

When you are about to ovulate, your cervical mucus gets "egg white" in look/consistency .. we have cervical mucus throughout our cycles , so determining the exact "type" of fluid it is will help determine whether you might be approaching ovulation or not.. it basically goes like this:

* Dry or sticky CM right after you get AF

* Creamy, also described as "lotiony" CM as ovulation begins to approach

* Slippery, stretchy like eggwhite CM during your MOST fertile days before ovulation (this is the time to start BDing!!)

* and then usually CM will dry up quickly after ovulation.. BUT it can again come back to creamy during the 2ww

Other symptoms that 'some' people get when they are ovulating is some pinchy/crampy/pain in the area where their ovaries are. (generally one-sided). But unfortunately, not every woman gets this..

Good luck!!

Message edited 1/26/2006 8:59:38 PM.

Posted 1/26/06 8:57 PM

When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05

11997 total posts

Because 2 people fell in love

Re: Signs of Ovulation

Just what Felicia said! One of my symptoms of approaching ovulation is bloating/gassiness. And some months I can feel when I ovulate (the pinchy/crampy/pain that Felicia was talking about) while other months I don't feel it.

Posted 1/27/06 7:32 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: Signs of Ovulation

I get a pinching feeling in either my left or right side

Posted 1/27/06 8:15 AM

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