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C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

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boys will be boys =)

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C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Im trying to pack my bags early (my rambunctious bundles of BOYS are scaring me into preparing it a whole week early Chat Icon Chat Icon )

Even the 3rd time around I have questions Chat Icon

I dont recall if I brought my boppy with me last time. Isnt the bed layed back, and your scar so fresh that its not even comfy or possible to use the boppy?
I dont remember... (I plan to BF for a couple of months).

Also, body pillow. Im attached to my body pillow, cant sleep without it. but if I remember correctly, you pretty much sleep on your back for a good few weeks right? when do you turn to sleep on your side again ? Chat Icon
(I do plan to bring my reg sleeping pillow).

I'll see what other questions I have.

oh, did you have coffee right away, or are they strict on everything? I just remeber easing into solid foods, mostly liquids (soup) etc, but hubby is ordered to get me an ice coffee every day
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 8:44 AM
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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I was uncomfortable sleeping on my side in the hospital bed but as soon as I got home I went back to sleeping on my side...

I don't really remember about the solids but know that on my 3rd night we had the rendezvous dinner at the hospital and I was fine to eat all of that stuff...

Posted 7/27/06 8:47 AM

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I would say bring the boppy. I tried BFing in the hospital and I needed extra pillows to even try.
The position of the bed is not conducive to BFing with a c/s.

As for the body pillow - might do more harm than good.... I'd probably leave that at home.

I didn't have coffee until I got home but they do ease you back into solids slowly. First clear liquids, then maybe some jello, then solids by the 2nd day - depending on how you are doing.

Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 8:50 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...


Definitely bring the boppy. I had it, and it was the only way that was comfortable to BF.

I couldn't move to sleep on my side until the third night, before then it was too painful to turn over.

I believe I had coffee the second day maybe...they were strict with things that could be gassy, but I don't think coffee is.

Good luck and congratulations!!

Posted 7/27/06 9:00 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I didn't use a boppy, but I did use my breast friend. I also got lots of pillows so sometimes I used that.

I never used a body pillow- so I don't think I can help you there. But I remember twisting was pretty uncomfortable at first.

I'm not a coffee drinker- so I can't help you there either. I also try to minimize my caffeine intake since I am BF- and chocolate is way higher on that list.

I ate solid food the next day.

Hope this helps!

Posted 7/27/06 9:48 AM


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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

The day I delivered I was only allowed a liquid diet and was able to eat solid food the next day.

Definetly bring your own pillow. The pillows were so bad I didnt sleep at all the first night there.

Posted 7/27/06 10:06 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I could not sleep on my side for a good three/four weeks. I brought my boppy, it helped with feeding her, but I also sat on it in the chair so it was easier to get up. As for coffee, I think I got a cup with every meal starting the next morning.Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 10:07 AM

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Message edited 2/8/2007 12:46:11 PM.

Posted 7/27/06 10:20 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I had the boppy with me. It did help with BFing. Although the bed has you kind of reclined, I propped myself up with pillows into an almost sitting position to BF. The Boppy also helped me when I was sitting in the chair. I put it behind my back so I didn't sit so far back. I would bring the Boppy and your own pillows.

As far as the coffee is concerned, I think it would be fine. You are allowed clear liquids the first day. As long as you aren't adding milk to it, it is considered clear (it doesn't have to be colorless to be clear). The second day was a regular diet for me.

Posted 7/27/06 10:32 AM

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Good questions & answers- very helpful!

How about going home outfits? Were you comfortable in maternity pants to wear home? with a panel or drawstring? Am I better off with stretchy gaucho pants/yoga pants?

Posted 7/27/06 11:20 AM


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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Posted by anon

liquid diet until you fart Chat Icon

Can I tell you this made me crack up!! Chat Icon

I know it's true but just the way you wordered it along w/ the face. thanks for that!!

Posted 7/27/06 11:52 AM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Posted by IrishTracy

Posted by anon

liquid diet until you fart Chat Icon

Can I tell you this made me crack up!! Chat Icon

I know it's true but just the way you wordered it along w/ the face. thanks for that!!

I agree, it made me laugh too !
and with my 1st pregnancy, you had to poop before they let you go home Chat Icon Chat Icon I was kinda thinking of telling them that I just COULDNT go, so that maybe they would extend my stay a few weeks... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/27/2006 3:41:10 PM.

Posted 7/27/06 3:40 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

yes bring your boppy! I had to get up every morning and sit in a chair - so I made my mom bring mine so I could BF easier.

I'd bring your body pillow - it doesn't hurt to have it - or put it in DH's car.

I ate right away - DH brought me a big cookie! and I had coffee every day too. Maybe they didn't tell the cafeteria?

Posted 7/27/06 5:39 PM

Making big changes

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I'd say bring the boppy, but not the body pillow.

As for coffee, I didn't have any during my stay, but I don't really see why you wouldn't be allowed to.

As for solid food, I was allowed to eat them right away. After a nice nap and a little relaxation, DH brought me Burger King. The nurse told him he could go get me something.

Posted 7/27/06 7:22 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Im surprised so many were able to eat solids right away. I wasnt either time. Lets see this time.
I guess they dont want to cause any more stomach pains on top of the gas pains Chat Icon and if we have trouble "going potty" they dont want matters to be worse if we have burger king or something.

Posted 7/27/06 7:30 PM

my girls!

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I was given chicken broth for breakfast after having Emily - YUM!Chat Icon Then maybe the next day I was allowed regular food? I remember thinking "this sucks!" for a while!Chat Icon

Dumb question but why all the gas pains after c/s? I thought it was just me but man did that HURT!!!

Posted 7/27/06 7:47 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I think all that gas comes from them moving your innards around.Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 7:49 PM

my girls!

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Posted by prncssrachel

I think all that gas comes from them moving your innards around.Chat Icon

a lovely imageChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 8:05 PM

Making big changes

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I guess I'm weird. I barely had any gas pains Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 8:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Yes, I had terrible gas pains in my shoulder area (right below my shoulders but above my boobs). My nurse brought me hot pack and she said that gas is common...

Posted 7/27/06 10:15 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Posted by prncssrachel

I think all that gas comes from them moving your innards around.Chat Icon

yep, thats exactly it. so much air gets in there during the c/s I guess, that it builds up. and another common after effect i guess is the constipation Chat Icon which is why they celebrate once you go potty Chat Icon Chat Icon

The scary gas pains were the CHEST PAIN gas pains Chat Icon its scary to have chest pain thats not really "chest pain". I do remember them saying WALK IT OFF as far as the gas pain. WALK WALK WALK. so I always try to get up and walk asap. and percoset is so damn good that it camouflages the pain so well that im doing laps in the halls in no time, but then when it wears off, boy do I feel it Chat Icon

Message edited 7/27/2006 10:17:12 PM.

Posted 7/27/06 10:16 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

Posted by SoinLove

I guess I'm weird. I barely had any gas pains Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

YOUre LUCKYYYY is what you are ! Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 10:17 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: C/S Moms... ?s about hospital stay...

I had coffee the next morning :)
I laid flat on my back the entire time I was there but I did raise the back of the bed up. I did bring my boppy but I didnt use it.

Posted 7/27/06 10:21 PM

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