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Time for a new doctor...

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"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06

3515 total posts


Time for a new doctor...

Ok -- so i am very frustrated today. i had an appt yesterday with my dr bc my cycle has been very off since my mc in may. well, she had a family emergancy yesterday and they had to cancel my appt and now the best they can give me is oct 27th. wouldnt u think that if they are canceling my appt they can try and fit me in sooner?? i find that the people working for her are so unsympathetic on the phone as well -- just plain rude!!! i have been a patient at her office for 6 months and i have yet to meet her!!!! i had to go through my mc with the RNP bc she couldnt see me then either!!!

SOOO time for me to find a new doctor i guess. i know that she is great and the RN in her office was great - but i dont like being made to feel like a burden at my dr office!

ok vent over!

UPDATE: OK - I called back bc I was so upset and they offered me Oct 11, but of course the time doesnt work bc I would have to take off work again (I took a half day yesterday only to have my appt canceled)...I took the appt just in case and asked that the dr please call me bc i really need to speak to her -- they told me she is in the office until 2:30-3:00 today and that she would call me back before then. It is now 4:00 and NOTHING!!! I'm finding it very hard to understand why she is so highly recommended on these boards!!!!

Message edited 10/6/2006 7:01:09 PM.

Posted 10/6/06 11:44 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Time for a new doctor...

wow...I have gone through some things too, but my OB has been there every, single step of the way. I mean from holding my hand as I went under for my second surgery, to calling my in LA to reassure me when I was freaking out about something.

I have never NOT seen him or a partner (when I was PG I had to see all 4 of them) and it shouldn't be any other way.

I am sorry you are not being treated fairly...

I go to Women's Health Pavilion in Westbury-Dr Scarantino (they have offices in Forest Hills, Howard Beach, and Richmond Hill) I really heart him..

Posted 10/6/06 12:01 PM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

4546 total posts


Re: Time for a new doctor...

I think i might change mine as well. My OB did not see me but the other OB's in the office did during my MC. The office is just to busy and it annoys me.

Posted 10/6/06 12:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: Time for a new doctor...

I tried to get for an appointment with her and the service ( I had called at 6AM) and then 9 AM to the office and her office NEVER called me back. I was pretty ticked off , I had heard such good things about them there. My internist just recommnded Dr. Bonnie Nussenbaum to me. I was wondering if anyone has used this practice.... ( Sorry to hijack, I had a terrible ob/gyn experience recently with another one who I ahd gone to during this emergency I had had, and the docotor ruined my vacation for NO REASON! and I am also looking for a new ob/gyn. )

Message edited 10/6/2006 1:21:44 PM.

Posted 10/6/06 1:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: Time for a new doctor...

Posted 10/6/06 1:22 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: Time for a new doctor...

I can totally understand why you would want to change.

There is no excuse but I think for the fact that she has had so many recommendations and she is in practice by herself that she may be taking on too many new patients than she can handle.

I am so sorry that you never got a change to meet her. She is wonderful. I also wish you could tell her your concerns about the staff that is taking her calls. She may not be aware of the problem.

Message edited 10/6/2006 2:34:42 PM.

Posted 10/6/06 2:32 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: Time for a new doctor...

I am worried you are all talking about the new doctor I just switched to.

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Posted 10/6/06 9:23 PM

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