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Bad day at work today...

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Bad day at work today...

Had a scare at work today. One of my kids (I am a preschool teacher) hit another kid in the face with a toy. At first we thought it was his nose but when I cleaned up the blood, I realized the little space between your nose and mouth is what got sliced. The cut was so deep although not too long. I tried to hold it together as I put ice on it but it just kept opening up again. There was SO much blood.

Im almost positive he needs a stitch. We called the parents and they werent even concerned. They told me they would pick him up at 5 and I told them that was too late. So they picked him up at 1 30 instead and wasnt even very concerned. My director said that it wasnt a situation that required an ambulance but I think the cut needed to be closed right away. So now I am sitting here feeling soooooo guilty, I feel so bad for him and I feel like its my fault. I cant believe how some parents just dont care though...the mom asked me my personal opinion and I said if it were my son, I would be taking him to the hospital right away and she actually giggled! ***???? I just needed to vent!

Posted 10/18/05 2:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Life is good!

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Re: Bad day at work today...

Some people are scary!

But I think there is awhile that a cut can be stitiched before it is too late, acouple of hours will be ok.

Posted 10/18/05 2:03 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Bad day at work today...

Chat Icon Chat Icon to the mom's reaction!

You shouldn't feel guilty though - it's not your fault.

Posted 10/18/05 2:03 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Bad day at work today...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon So sorry. you have nothing to feel guilty about. In fact- its better (for you) that she is not panicking or threatenign to sue or anything. The kid will be fine. Children are so resiliant- more so than we are.

Personally, I don't understand parents like that. I think I am going to be on the other side of the spectrum- freaking out over every little thing. I guess everyone is different....

Posted 10/18/05 2:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bad day at work today...

Chat Icon Sometimes you wonder what is going through peoples heads.....

This is sooooo not your fault, and you should not feel guilty. Chat Icon

I'm sorry you had a bad day! Chat Icon

Message edited 10/18/2005 2:04:12 PM.

Posted 10/18/05 2:03 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Bad day at work today...

These parents are just SO lost it amazes me. I failed to mention not only do they have one child, or two children...they have TRIPLETS!!! ALL in my class. They are filthy dirty, always hungry and just begging for attention. It breaks my heart. I hate days like this so much. Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 2:06 PM

Straight up nasty

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Re: Bad day at work today...

Personally, I would be calling CPS if I had questions concerning their overall well being.

Posted 10/18/05 2:09 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Bad day at work today...

Posted by nycchic24

These parents are just SO lost it amazes me. I failed to mention not only do they have one child, or two children...they have TRIPLETS!!! ALL in my class. They are filthy dirty, always hungry and just begging for attention.

guess this would explain their lack of concern over their child's injury. seriously, i don't know what goes thru some parents minds'!! Chat Icon

sorry you're having a rough day!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 2:10 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Bad day at work today...

CPS doesnt do anything for children who are dirty or begging for attention unfortunately. They arent abused (no signs that I have picked up on anyway) or anything like that but its obvious these parents are either overwhelmed or just plain WEIRD!

Posted 10/18/05 2:11 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Bad day at work today...

I used to babysit for these kids from a wealthy family. Mom worked a few hours a day teaching aerobics and dad had a full time job. I was the weekday night babysitter. They had a weekday day, weekend day and weekend night. It was so sad these kids were SO desperate for attention. The parents never let me watch TV with them, but everytime I would arrive, they are watching TV. They woudl also have me come an hour early so they could "relax" before going out. Did I mention the kids were 5 and 7.

I just don't understand some people Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 2:13 PM

My Babies

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Re: Bad day at work today...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Sorry Noreen!! You knew from the minute they started they were going to be quite a handful!! Was it Eric that hit him??Chat Icon
Try not to let it keep bugging you, you did all that you could and you showed that poor kid more love and attention than it sounds like his own parents do!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 2:20 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Bad day at work today...

I thought I hade abad day at school...yours beats mineChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 2:36 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Bad day at work today...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Im so sorry! Its not your fault, please dont blame yourself. So easy for me to say. I, too, am a teacher and I will get so upset if a child gets hurt or is not feeling well. Parents come in like its nothing! It drives me nuts!

Posted 10/18/05 5:23 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Bad day at work today...

Some people are just sad Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 5:26 PM


Member since 5/05

5632 total posts


Re: Bad day at work today...

sorry you had a day like that.
some peopleChat Icon Hope the boy is okChat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 5:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bad day at work today...

WOW! Thats horrible! Whats scary is that part of the face is the hardest to heal. DH had many stiches there after a fall lastyear and he had to see two plastic surgeons because no one wanted to remove the stiches the ER put in because they were afrid it would scar badly. He should have gone to the ER to avoid a scar, it will definately scar, hopefully very small.

Some parents just crack me up....I mean even if the kid wasnt that hurt, I would think my child would be so scared by getting hurt and all the blood, I would have come anyway to get him or sent someone if I couldnt.

Posted 10/18/05 5:42 PM

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