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Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

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Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

I went to my doctor last week and they gave me a list of things to look out for relating to pre-term labor (i am at a higher risk due to having twins). They said i was having on and off contractions, but nothing steady and they were not worried. I still don't think i know when i am having one. Well on this list they had low dull backache, which i have had for a long time now so that is not much help, menstral feeling cramps (don't have them) and the nurse said the big one to look out for was diarhhea/frequent bowel movements. Well I was like nothing to worry about here because i have been able to go but very constipated. Well today, i went twice (unheard of for me) and both times it was almost like diarhhea, but not totally (sorry TMI)

Did any ladies who have gone into labor have this symptom. I am not going to bug out unless it becomes very consistent...just wondering what others have experienced.


Message edited 8/2/2006 1:27:31 PM.

Posted 8/2/06 1:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

I would say if you aren't feeling crampy, or have any pain or pressure from contractions the loose stool means nothingChat Icon it could just be something you ate or didn't agree with you.

I had the runs, seriously, when I was at the hospital in full blown labor for a couple hours.

I had pre term contractions since 26 weeks, and that list scared the hell out of me!

How many weeks are you?Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: I was pretty regular throughout my pg, and some days, I was off and in the bathroom more often.

Message edited 8/2/2006 1:31:05 PM.

Posted 8/2/06 1:30 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

One of my girlfriends did have this when she went into labor. I'm sure everything is fine, it might be related to the weather since it's so hot. Maybe give your dr a quick call to reassure yourself.

Posted 8/2/06 1:30 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

Posted by sweetness

I would say if you aren't feeling crampy, or have any pain or pressure from contractions the loose stool means nothingChat Icon it could just be something you ate or didn't agree with you.

I had the runs, seriously, when I was at the hospital in full blown labor for a couple hours.

I had pre term contractions since 26 weeks, and that list scared the hell out of me!

How many weeks are you?Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: I was pretty regular throughout my pg, and some days, I was off and in the bathroom more often.

I am just about 32 weeks.

Posted 8/2/06 1:34 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

Posted by Ali1

Posted by sweetness

I would say if you aren't feeling crampy, or have any pain or pressure from contractions the loose stool means nothingChat Icon it could just be something you ate or didn't agree with you.

I had the runs, seriously, when I was at the hospital in full blown labor for a couple hours.

I had pre term contractions since 26 weeks, and that list scared the hell out of me!

How many weeks are you?Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: I was pretty regular throughout my pg, and some days, I was off and in the bathroom more often.

I am just about 32 weeks.

That just about the time when I was in the bathroom more often. I would get these bouts prob about 2 times a week.

if you are def concerned it def won't hurt to give the doc a call for reassuranceChat Icon

Posted 8/2/06 3:48 PM

Love my Babes

Member since 8/05

5889 total posts


Re: Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

THis heat could definitly loosen things up- but i would just be aware of what your body is doing, but try not to make yourself crazy.

Posted 8/2/06 3:55 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

i am at 33 weeks and was going to post today about pooping more.....I am more "regular" that dr said it might happen as the baby grows and gets into imagine with two what it must be like! Chat Icon

Posted 8/2/06 5:26 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Kind of Bugging Out...TMI

I went to the bathroom 3 times before I had dinner and once after I had dinner and the stool was really soft but not diahhrea. It is a way for your body to clean your system and get ready to push. I also didnt poop on the table Chat Icon Hopefully you see your babie soonChat Icon

Posted 8/2/06 9:52 PM

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