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LIRR Fire/Accident

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Member since 5/05

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LIRR Fire/Accident

I was hoping someone on here would know what train it was!

Breaking News
Firefighters are on the scene of an incident involving a train and a car on the tracks just west of the Syosset train station. Firefighters have put out the flames, but there is no word as to whether there were passengers in the car. Train passengers were moved to the rear of the train and no injuries are reported. Stay tuned to News 12 Long Island and for more on this breaking story.

Posted 2/15/06 7:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Syosset is the Pt Jeff line, right?

Posted 2/15/06 7:21 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

OMG! i hope no one was hurt.

Posted 2/15/06 7:21 PM


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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

from LIRR Site:

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 7:10 PM

Port Jefferson Branch Customers:

Service is temporarily suspended on the Port Jefferson Branch between Hicksville and Huntington as a result of an eastbound train striking an automobile at Robbins Lane in Syosset.

The train involved in the incident -- the 5:47 PM from Hunterspoint Avenue, scheduled to arrive Port Jefferson at 7:30 PM -- is currently being delayed at the accident site.

We are in the process of establishing bus service to operate between Hicksville and Huntington.

Posted 2/15/06 7:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

You know you're a B2B when you see "Robbins La in Syosset" and think WRAP WITH US!

Posted 2/15/06 7:23 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope poeple are not hurt.

Posted 2/15/06 7:24 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

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Posted 2/15/06 7:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

News12 was talking to someone on the train via call who said from what she could tell no one was hurt (no one thrown, etc).

Geez - the 5:47 out of HP is one of the trains DH & I used to take when we worked in the city.

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Message edited 2/15/2006 7:25:59 PM.

Posted 2/15/06 7:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

News12 has a train passenger on the phone right now - the LIRR spokesman is butting in now too

Posted 2/15/06 7:26 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Posted by Shorty

You know you're a B2B when you see "Robbins La in Syosset" and think WRAP WITH US!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I am a freaking dork who thought this too!

But seriously I hope everyones okay. I have some co-workers that take that line.Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 10:18 PM

woulda, coulda, shoulda

Member since 12/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

A Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) train has crashed into a car at the Robbins Lane crossing just west of the Syosset train station.

Police say there was one occupant in the car who was killed in the crash. Passengers on the train report feeling a jolt and witnesses say the train was pushing the burning car down the tracks. No injuries were reported among train passengers, who were taken to the back of the train for their safety. Officials say there is no word on the cause of the accident.

LIRR spokesman Sam Zambuto says the train was heading from Hunterspoint to Port Jefferson when the incident occurred. The accident has temporarily suspended service on the Port Washington branch between Hicksville and Huntington. Zambuto says bus services have been set up.

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Posted 2/15/06 10:20 PM

Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

I heard on Ch. 12 that no one on the train was hurt, but the driver of the car didn't survive. He apparently didn't stop when the gate went down, thinking he could make it to the other side. The car went on fire, causing the front of the train to ignite too.

Posted 2/15/06 10:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Found out one of our friends was on the train!Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 10:23 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

It was my train, the 5:47 from Hunters POint Avenue that stops in Jamaica and then goes out to Port Jeff.

Took me 5 hrs to get home and that was only bc DH picked me up from Hicksville and I didnt have to take the bus.

It was pretty bad.

Posted 2/15/06 10:29 PM

My Loves!

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon so scary and sad.

Posted 2/15/06 10:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Posted by MrsJ

It was my train, the 5:47 from Hunters POint Avenue that stops in Jamaica and then goes out to Port Jeff.

Took me 5 hrs to get home and that was only bc DH picked me up from Hicksville and I didnt have to take the bus.

It was pretty bad.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Kathy I'm glad you're OK!

You poor thing - I read that you weren't supposed to work today, but had to go in b/c you skipped Monday - you pooooor thing Chat Icon WHAT A DAY.

I hope you're off tomorrow, and I'm glad DH drove to Hicksville.

Posted 2/15/06 11:18 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

That is so sad... and Kathy, I think you need to take super-early maternity leave!! What a predicament in your situation! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 11:29 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Posted by MrsJ

It was my train, the 5:47 from Hunters POint Avenue that stops in Jamaica and then goes out to Port Jeff.

Took me 5 hrs to get home and that was only bc DH picked me up from Hicksville and I didnt have to take the bus.

It was pretty bad.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Glad you are okay!!!

Posted 2/16/06 5:45 AM

Should be working

Member since 5/05

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Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Posted by MrsJ

It was my train, the 5:47 from Hunters POint Avenue that stops in Jamaica and then goes out to Port Jeff.

Took me 5 hrs to get home and that was only bc DH picked me up from Hicksville and I didnt have to take the bus.

It was pretty bad.

Are you ok?????

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Message edited 2/16/2006 7:07:35 AM.

Posted 2/16/06 7:05 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: LIRR Fire/Accident

Hi Guys - thank you!!
I'm OK, I was really worried at first on the train because I felt the big jolt of hitting the car, then immediately they hit the breaks hard but you could smell deisel fuel and something burning so I knew something was really wrong.

Then they made the announcement that the train was on FIRE and told us all to move to the back of the train. Everyone was pretty freaked out. The train started to fill with smoke in the front and smell really bad. Further back it just smelled really bad.

They went down to emergency power, which is like 2 lights on per car pretty much. Then they prety much cut the air off so it got really hot and stuff.

For about 10+ minutes they were making announcements that they were waiting for the fire department and they were trying to put the fire out with fire exstinguishers...and that we hit a car.

I had to use the bathroom twice (GROSS!!!!!!!!!) but you know PG was so gross.

I got a seat finally in the 2nd to last car and was watching out the window and all the police and firemen were looking under the train with flashlights...and they pulled the whole exhaust pipe and muffler out from under where I was sitting on the train! Chat Icon

I talked to DH and he put on News12 and was updating me more on stuff that the LIRR wasnt telling us. A cop walked through the car and stopped to make sure I was OK. He made sure I wasnt in pain or feeling sick and made sure I had a cell phone. He said if you need anything to find him or call 911 - which I thought was funny, since he IS 911!

But anyway the fire dept was able to put out the fire and then they detached the destroyed train engine from the train and we went back west to Hicksville where they had busses waiting (but DH came to get me so I didn't have to take a bus).

It was pretty scary but at least they put the fire out on the train so none of us got hurt.

I watched the news when I got home and I can't believe the sight of that car and the train!!

My back is really hurting from the jolt of hitting the car and then stopping. I had a bad back to begin with but its really bad now so I have to go to my chiro. BUt overall, I'm OK and the baby is OK...but I'm not looking forward to getting on the train tomorrow.

Message edited 2/16/2006 10:23:26 AM.

Posted 2/16/06 10:21 AM

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