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I've always wanted a big family...

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

205 total posts


I've always wanted a big family...

Im coming to that cross road in my life though were it's time for me to deceide whether to have the last one and we dont know what to do. I've always wanted 6Chat Icon Yeah I know crazy to most of you but I have. I have 4 of my own now and he has one from a past relationship that we dont see anymore. I swore though that I would do it when I was young and no later than 35yrs. Well Tuesday is my 34th birthday! Nothing has gone as planned so I dont know what to do. I love kids I really do. We've even talked about after the kids are grown and gone that we would like to open our house as like a foster grandma and grandpa. Im still not done with school and I dont know when I will be. We havent bought a house yet we are still renting and might have to for a very long time with the way the market is going and DH still hasnt gotten the promotion at work we've been waiting for. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH I know a year wouldnt really make a difference right! My brain is telling me to give it another year but my heart says it's doesnt matter.Chat Icon Any encourging words would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 6/3/06 12:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: I've always wanted a big family...

If you can financially afford anther child I would do it..
I always wanted a BIG family too and im going through a guilt stage where I waited to long and now may not be able to do that. ( im 35 pg with #3)
The market is softening ALOT, you should start looking around. They have 100% financing available where you can even build your closing costs into your morgage and therefore dont even really need that much cash in hand...
There will never be the " perfect" time to go for another so if its what you feel in your heart then go for it NOW..
Good luck!!

Posted 6/3/06 12:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

366 total posts


Re: I've always wanted a big family...

I agree with Islandgirl's advice....just wanted to add some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 2:44 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

205 total posts


Re: I've always wanted a big family...

Thanks girls. See that's how I feel I dont know if there is ever a right time and today financially, are you ever secure enough? I dont know though. It's the security issue I guess. Our cleaning up the credit is almost done so we can start to put away some money. Right now things are tight with bills but I think they always will be. I had my first when I was very young and she is going to be a junior in HS in September. I dont know like I said I would love to and every time Im sure of my decision I panic and go back to now's not a good idea. I know my in laws would die. They werent thrilled when the 2yr. old was born and event he mere mention that we've thought about one last one we get the response of "Are you nuts?" I just dont knowChat Icon Im sure when the time is right I'll know right?????

Posted 6/3/06 11:40 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/06

402 total posts


Re: I've always wanted a big family...

If you feel like financially you can support the children you already have in the way that you want to - then go for it! But if the extra expenses of another child will put a strain on the needs of the others you may want to reconsider. You are lucky that the older ones are there to help you out. Only you and your DH can make this decision - inlaws opinion doesn;t matter! good luck we are all here foir you!!!!

Posted 6/4/06 7:39 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

205 total posts


Re: I've always wanted a big family...

Thanks for all the advice. Tommorows my birthday I think I'll give it some more time. My 4yr old goes to school next september and my 16yr has two years left before college. So Im sure alot of the finances will ease alittle.

Posted 6/5/06 10:21 AM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

1151 total posts


Re: I've always wanted a big family...

Sounds like you alrady have a BIG family to me!!

Dont put the pressure of a number on yourself (kids, age, etc.) and just go with the flow when/if your ready

Good Luck!

Posted 6/6/06 11:21 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

205 total posts


Re: I've always wanted a big family...

Thanks! I think we really need to sit down and talk about it. I know I'll regret it later if I dont consider it. It's great to have the support of you girls. Thanks AgainChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/06 2:25 PM

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