I have a really funny story...share your stories if you have some as well...
This week I was in a board meeting. There is a big huge window in the room. Okay so it was this huge meeting with directors, parents etc... So I am supposed to act professional "supposed to" keyword. During this meeting I keep hearing "BEEEEEEEEP, BEEEEEEEEP" then it would stop then continue. Everyones looking at each other and acting like its not happening. i look out the window and there he is, a big huge guy in a van outside my window cleaning his van windows. Everytime he went to wipe his window his belly would hit the horn and it would continue "Beeeeeeeep, Beeeeeeeeeeeep" I literally thought I was gonna pee in my pants while everyone else was acting all professional. I had to continue in this meeting and I was just hysterical laughing. i thought I was gonna be fired.