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How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

Sidney won't fall asleep unless I nurse her or take her for a walk in stroller. Once weather gets worse I won't be able to walk her anymore. I put her down after she falls asleep and she gets up after 15 minutes. So much for the naps. Then at bed time she'll wake up and want my boob again. DH is trying to rock her to sleep right now because my nipples feel like they are gonna fall off.
How do you all get your baby to sleep. Will she outgrow this or is she gonna get more and more hooked on it every day? HELP!!!

Posted 10/19/05 9:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

How old is Sidney? I had a lot of problems with Mallory sleeping from the time she was born until she was about 5 or 6 months old.... I couldn't get to fall asleep w/o BFing and whenever I layed her down she would wake up and scream unless she was sleeping next to me....It was a little rough, but she slowly kinda grew out of it and I had to learn to let her fuss a little bit (well maybe scream a couple times), but now she just needs her blankie and sometimes her pacifier and she sleeps great!

Posted 10/19/05 9:47 PM

My Everything

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Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

I am having the same problem. I usually have to let her nurse to fall asleep. Sometimes I can walk her and shhhhushhhh in her ear and she'll fall off. I can NEVER put her down right away. I have to let her sleep on me for a while. I don't think DH has been able to get her to sleep yet.

Posted 10/19/05 10:21 PM

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Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

I would try to get her used to napping on her own now. One of the best things you can teach a baby to be comfortable sleeping in their own bed alone. Something that used to work for me was Baby Whisperer's suggestion EASY method..."Eat Activity Sleep You"..

Feed her, do an activity - for newborns this could mean belly time, dancing with mommy - than as soon as you are seeing signs she's tired, but her down on her own. If she screams come in pat her back a little bit, walk out & keep doing it until she's asleep. The big thing was identifying when she's getting tired -the book identifed them...some are the 7 mile stare, turning away from objects that you're showing her rather than showing interest...yawning, etc.

Good luck!

Posted 10/20/05 7:58 AM

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Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

Posted by nrthshgrl

I would try to get her used to napping on her own now. One of the best things you can teach a baby to be comfortable sleeping in their own bed alone. Something that used to work for me was Baby Whisperer's suggestion EASY method..."Eat Activity Sleep You"..

Feed her, do an activity - for newborns this could mean belly time, dancing with mommy - than as soon as you are seeing signs she's tired, but her down on her own. If she screams come in pat her back a little bit, walk out & keep doing it until she's asleep. The big thing was identifying when she's getting tired -the book identifed them...some are the 7 mile stare, turning away from objects that you're showing her rather than showing interest...yawning, etc.

Good luck!

I tried using the baby whisperer method too in the beginning. I would try not to let him fall asleep in my arms or the bouncy chair.

Posted 10/20/05 8:03 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

Marissa will take a nap on her own she will watch tv or paly and then when she is tired just lay down on the living room floor with either her juice or binki and then pass out at nite to get her to go to sleep is a differnt story I have to either hold her or lay in bed with her for her to fall asleep then I haveto put her in her crib once she is asleep and hope she sleeps throughout the nite lately she has been waking up in the middle of the nite screaming to get out of her crib for some reason she doesn't like sleeping in it anymore she is 14 months so I take her out and lay in bed with her and then she sleeps there all nite.

Posted 10/20/05 11:22 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

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Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

Music, music, music. Our son, still after 2 years, knows that when the music goes on, its time for bed. We put a c.d. (one of the soothing ones from buy buy baby) everytime he went to nap, or to bed for the night, ever since he was born. I believe this is the reason I can put him down in his crib awake, and he will just fall asleep.

Posted 10/20/05 1:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

Sidney is 3.5 months. This is getting very tiring. I can't leave her with anyone cause they can't get her to go to sleep so she goes wild screaming and crying. I feel so trapped Chat Icon

Posted 10/21/05 4:22 PM

My girls

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Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

Dree - I felt the same way! (Although my addiction for naps was the swing.) When my daughter was 4.5 months we started to let her self-soothe (translation: cry). 3.5 months is probably too young, but you are weeks away from having more options if it doesn't improve on its on!

Posted 10/21/05 4:47 PM

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Re: How do you get your baby to nap/fall asleep

I put my son to nap in his crib when he was a baby and he was fine as long as he has his boppy pillow in there. now all I tell his is night night and he gives me his boppy pillow and sippy cup to put in his crip to nap and hes 19 months. i never really had a problem with him with naps or sleep

Posted 10/22/05 12:50 PM

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