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If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

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I love chocolate

Member since 4/06

2047 total posts


If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

I applied for and was recently chosen for a new position and now my coworkers are not talking to me because I didn't share it with them before it was announced.

They think that because we were a small, close knit group that I should have told them before hand.

I say that it's my career, my business, why would I share it with them? What would have happened if I decided not to accept it? It's my decision.

Message edited 9/1/2006 2:08:25 PM.

Posted 9/1/06 2:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Fall Is Here

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

yes, I would and I have. I trusted the poeple I worked with.

Posted 9/1/06 2:07 PM


Member since 5/05

1965 total posts


Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

In your situation, I wouldn't because you are still working at the same company, right?

I am looking for something else now and have told them...but it was kind of obvious that I am looking.

Posted 9/1/06 2:07 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

I would tell one person I work with but she is also my best friend. I wouldn't tell anyone else.

Posted 9/1/06 2:09 PM

I love chocolate

Member since 4/06

2047 total posts


Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

Same company, same department, but different job. It's a career change and it took a lot of soul searching to make the decision.

Posted 9/1/06 2:10 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

I'm in the process of transitioning into a new position (it's really a promotion) I haven't said anything to my "core" group yet until everything is finalized and a definate job description is put into place (they've created a new position for me).

Posted 9/1/06 2:12 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

I would never until I told my boss. Your supervisors should always know first and that is the most professional thing to do. I find it strange people would be mad at that and would be more annoyed they don't understand that. They just must be sad they are losing a friend at the office.

Message edited 9/1/2006 2:14:33 PM.

Posted 9/1/06 2:13 PM

I love chocolate

Member since 4/06

2047 total posts


Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

My boss knew about it, he was the one that approached me to take the job. But since it was doing something different, I wasn't sure if I wanted to make a career direction change.

Posted 9/1/06 2:21 PM

Waste not, want not

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Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma

Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

NO. They'll get over it. They're probably just annoyed because now they have to pick up your workload until they can replace you, which will be very hard to do. Chat Icon

In all honesty, you are right. It's your career and your business. You're still going to see them every day.

Besides, maybe they are all set in their careers and can't relate to you wanting to get more experience and move on to something else.

In my opinion, it's good for you to broaden your knowledge to other areas within the same department. The more you know, the better it will be for YOU in the long run.

Good Luck!

And Congrats! Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/06 2:32 PM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

i would share with my co-workers!!! they would be so happy to see me go...i could get them to pack up shtuff!!

Posted 9/1/06 2:35 PM


Member since 6/05

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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

Absolutely not.

You did the right thing.

Posted 9/1/06 2:36 PM


Member since 5/05

1965 total posts


Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

Posted by MrsSteflily

My boss knew about it, he was the one that approached me to take the job. But since it was doing something different, I wasn't sure if I wanted to make a career direction change.

Overall, I think that you shouldn't have told them till you were ready and knew FOR CERTAIN that you were doing it.

They'll get over it. Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/06 2:36 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

if i were to apply for a new position w/in my company, i would not tell anyone. only my immediate supervisor and only if there was a chance i would be moving to a new dept.

i think you did the right thing. you don't want to jeopardize a chance at a new position b/c of gossip

Posted 9/1/06 2:45 PM

Proud Mommy

Member since 3/06

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

I think you did the right thing not discussing it during the process but I would have told them before the announcement or made the announcement myself- "I wanted to tell you myself, ,,,,etc)

My co-worker invited me for a coffee break and told me she waited me to know before it was announced- it felt better than if I heard it in a meeting as an update


Posted 9/1/06 3:39 PM

Family is Complete!

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

If I was leaving to go back to school or move out of state I would let people know as soon as I finalized my plans.

If I was changing jobs, I would wait to tell people until I gave formal notice.

Posted 9/1/06 3:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

Hm, I think depending on the person and depending on the situation, I'd be surprised if a colleague didn't tell me they were thinking of leaving - but I think that's just because of the fact that I work in career counseling - most of my friends that I work with have asked me for advice when they were ready to move on - they also know its all that helps.

On the other hand, when I had a few options at work, noone in my immediate office knew anything was going on until it was finalized.

Posted 9/1/06 5:34 PM

He's here!!!!

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

Posted by dita

I would tell one person I work with but she is also my best friend. I wouldn't tell anyone else.

Me too, I have told another person, but that's it....oh, wait, there only IS 1 other person!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/06 5:36 PM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

i wouldnt tell anyone
tell them to lighten up

who are they, your keepers?

people have big mouths and could have ruined the chances

you did the right thing and they will get over it

im sure jealousy plays a part too in their reaction

Message edited 9/1/2006 7:19:44 PM.

Posted 9/1/06 7:19 PM

Three Under Four!!! :-)

Member since 8/06

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

Posted by MrsSteflily

I applied for and was recently chosen for a new position and now my coworkers are not talking to me because I didn't share it with them before it was announced.

They think that because we were a small, close knit group that I should have told them before hand.

I say that it's my career, my business, why would I share it with them? What would have happened if I decided not to accept it? It's my decision.

You did the right thing... If they're really your friends, they will get over it.

Good luck!!!

Posted 9/1/06 8:59 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

i trust the people i work with..

but i am not sure if i would tell them ..because i know they would try to talk me out of it

Posted 9/1/06 9:02 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

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Re: If you were to change jobs would you tell your coworkers?

Not necessarily, because I would be embarrassed if I didn't get it. So I would probably keep it to myself until I knew I got it.

Posted 9/1/06 9:31 PM

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