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Post Partum weight

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/06

55 total posts


Post Partum weight

Chat Icon I was just wondering if anyone here has been pregnant. I had my daughter 14 weeks ago, but i still need to loose 20 pounds to get to me pre pregnancy wieght, but id really like to loose even more. Please help me!

Posted 6/26/06 4:46 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Post Partum weight

I had my son almost 7 weeks ago and just started working out almost 2 weeks ago.
I still can't really do any jumping around, so I'm only doing a little bit of low-impact aerobics but mostly weight training.
Ask any questions that you might have!

Posted 6/26/06 4:57 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Post Partum weight

I had my son over a year ago. I gained 50 pounds with him and I lost half of that weight within the first couple of weeks after I gave birth. To lose the rest of the weight, I started out by walking with him in the stroller and then at my 6 week checkup, the doctor told me I could start exercising again (I had a c-section).

At the gym, I do cardio 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes and then weights. I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight around 8 months. I lost more weight and now I'm down to 10 pounds below my pre pregnancy weight.

It's very tough and discouraging...but you can do it. Even though I'm down in the weight, I still have some tightening up to do. Getting this tummy back to normal is not easy...Chat Icon

Posted 7/1/06 8:37 AM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: Post Partum weight

I hear ya - its sooooooooooo fustrating to get this darn weight off. My kids are 12 months apart so I was basically preggo for 2 years Chat Icon

Strangely enough I lost all the weight from my son right away while the weight I gained with my daughter is still holding on.....I think it really likes me b/c it is IMPOSSIBLE to take off.

I do need to get to the gym more.....I am only able to get there twice a week (spin class and then cardio box class). I really need another day of cardio (elliptical or treadmill).

I'd love to walk with the kids but my neighborhood is a real PITA to walk around b/c you always have to get on a main road.

Two things that I've started to do are:
1. No eating after 7:00.....if you want anything it has to be a decaf tea with no milk, sugar, etc. I love the flavored teas by celestial seasonings. Very sweet.
2. Portion size......yes, being pregnant its so easy to eat and now its so hard to not just pick something up especially on a bad day.

Posted 7/6/06 11:54 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Post Partum weight

I had my DD 2 months ago. I am on WW and doing some walking, light weights, and urban rebounding. I am also BF'ing so the weight is coming off, just not as fast as I want it to. Chat Icon
I gained 39lbs. with the pregnancy and have lost 23 lbs. so far. I have 16 more lbs. to go.
My motivation...I have a whole closet full of pre-preggo clothes to fit into!!

Posted 7/13/06 3:51 PM

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