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Rice to Oatmeal

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Member since 5/05

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Rice to Oatmeal

When can i switch to oatmeal? Ava has been on rice cereal for about 3 weeks....also when i make the that the end of the rice cereal for good? I'm so confused.

Posted 2/20/06 10:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Rice to Oatmeal

I only waited about 2 weeks but actually my doctor just said to give it 3-5 days. Once she tolerated the rice I tried the oatmeal and now I take turns. She might have rice for breakfast and dinner one day and oatmeal for lunch, and vice versa the next day. The doc said once she has a few foods she tolerates well you can mix them and switch them up as you wish so I always mix her cereal with her fruit -- she likes it much better that way anyway, the taste of the plain cereal wasn't one she was very fond of.

Posted 2/20/06 10:37 AM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: Rice to Oatmeal

Posted by Melbernai

I only waited about 2 weeks but actually my doctor just said to give it 3-5 days. Once she tolerated the rice I tried the oatmeal and now I take turns. She might have rice for breakfast and dinner one day and oatmeal for lunch, and vice versa the next day. The doc said once she has a few foods she tolerates well you can mix them and switch them up as you wish so I always mix her cereal with her fruit -- she likes it much better that way anyway, the taste of the plain cereal wasn't one she was very fond of.

Can you share emily's schedule with me...I only give ava fruit and cereal in the morning and at dinner time. I wonder if I should do it more.

Posted 2/20/06 10:40 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Rice to Oatmeal

My doctor advised to try each new thing for 4 days, but I did a week for the 3 cereals, since I wanted to be the one to do it (on the weekend). Now that we've started fruit, I do one every 4 days--we're up to peaches now.

I find she's not in love with eating food, so here's our schedule...
About 1-1 1/2 tbsp cereal with 1/3 jar of fruit first thing in AM--usually around 9am. This is followed directly with about 6 oz formula.

Between 12-1ish, 8 oz formula

Between 3-4ish, 8 oz formula

Cereal and fruit, 6 oz bottle around 6pm

Top off 2-4 oz around 7pm


My doctor said around 6 mos. or when she really starts loving food to do 3 meals, but for now we do (barely) 2 meals.

ETA: she rarely finishes even that little food.

Message edited 2/20/2006 10:46:38 AM.

Posted 2/20/06 10:45 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Rice to Oatmeal

I started Emily on applesauce/rice about 2 weeks before her dr's visit so once I had the visit it was easy for me to get the other foods established. She is about 4.5 months now.

Her schedule is:
7:30-8am wake up - 6 oz bottle
8:45-9am 1/2 jar of fruit (apples, pears or bananas) mixed with 1 tbsp rice or oatmeal.

11am 6 oz bottle
12 noon 1/2 jar fruit/cereal

4pm 6 oz bottle

6pm 1/2 jar fruit/cereal (we tried sweet potatoes too this weekend so we might be trying veggies with dinner now)

7:30pm 6 oz bottle

9pm 6 oz bottle

She has 5 6-oz bottles a day and 3 solid feedings a day. She doesn't always finish ALL of her bottles now that she's getting the food too but the dr said this is to be expected - however she's teething too so the last 2 days she only ended up with around 20-22 oz at the end of the day --- but so far today she finished all of her bottles.

Posted 2/20/06 10:48 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Rice to Oatmeal

also when she had her 4 month visit the doctor said that by next visit, 5 months, she wanted to see emily eating 3 solid meals a day that include both fruit and cereal. she told me to make sure i start oatmeal by the end of the month too.

Posted 2/20/06 10:48 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Rice to Oatmeal

I started with rice cereal and then added oatmeal about 2 weeks later. Once I saw he was OK with both I switched...oatmeal in the am and rice in the pm. I just started mixed grains yesterday so we'll see how he does with far so good. We go for his 6 months apt March 1 and then we will be adding veggies, then fruits.

Posted 2/20/06 11:00 AM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Rice to Oatmeal

I started w/ oatmeal...

Posted 2/20/06 6:37 PM

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