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At what point would your doctor induce labor?

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

241 total posts


At what point would your doctor induce labor?

Ugh....I am due Friday and went to the doctor today. I have been 2 cm and 60% effaced for over 3 weeks!! My doc is hopeful that I won't go late but informed me that if I don't go by 41 weeks (12/30) they will schedule me for an induction b/c their policy is not to permit pregnancies to go beyond that point.

I really don't want to be induced b/c that greatly increases the likelihood of a c-section, which I really want to avoid. Also, I would just prefer to go into labor naturally. What is your doctor's policy on induction?

Please send labor vibes!!! I am so uncomfortable and sick of being pregnant!!

Posted 12/20/05 5:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05

474 total posts


Re: At what point would your doctor induce labor?

lots of labor vibes! i wish i could help you but i have no answer... just wanted to send you lots of vibes! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/05 6:05 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: At what point would your doctor induce labor?

Message edited 12/16/2011 4:12:29 PM.

Posted 12/20/05 6:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: At what point would your doctor induce labor?

I just wanted to remind you that YOU are the boss here...not the doctor. We so often forgot that..I know I did throughout my pregnancy.

Many, many doctors will go to 42 weeks before scheduling an induction. If you do not want to be induced I can understand...I agree with the risks of c/s. So I know someone who just didn't schedule the induction. She went into natural labor at 42 weeks 3 days and everything was fine. She told her doctor that she was waiting until 42 weeks to make a decision about induction and didn't allow him to scare her with the "big baby" card. At 42 weeks she made an appt to see the doctor a few days later, but went into labor first.
Also, you can discuss HOW to be induced. Some women don't mind the cervix gel but refuse PIT. I know I would. With PIT you can't move out of the bed...which increases your risk of c/s. Also, some women who have had PIT will say that they want it stopped once their labor begins. That can help your body as well.

At 40 weeks they will have you get Non-Stress tests (NST). Make sure you bring cold bottled water and drink it. Also lay on your left side. This helps your results be better. I always brought my own pillow and a magazine too.

Posted 12/20/05 6:37 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: At what point would your doctor induce labor?

Personally I would never want to go past 42weeks of pregnancy. I've seen too many problems with post date pregnancies usually because of meconium (babies 1st poop). Babies aren't supposed to have their 1st bowel movement until after they are born but you see that a lot with women who go way beyond their due date. You still have more than a week to go till you hit 41weeks there is still a good possibility you will go into labor on your own. Try not to stress about it right now Chat Icon

Feel free to FM if you have any questions about inductions. I am not a mom but I am a nurse in L&D and might be able offer you a different point of view.

Posted 12/20/05 6:47 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: At what point would your doctor induce labor?

My dr says they will wait 2 weeks past my due date to induce... but i hope that doesnt happen!!! I'm cramping as i write this...

Posted 12/20/05 8:11 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: At what point would your doctor induce labor?

My Dr wouldn't let me go past 41 weeks also. We had the induction scheduled, but I went into labor the day before.

{{{{Lots of Labor Vibes}}}}

Posted 12/20/05 8:20 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: At what point would your doctor induce labor?

One of my Dr's said at 41 weeks they induceChat Icon , I prefer to start labor naturally, but since I'm slightly late already, I'm beginning to fear for the worst.
I really want to labor at home in the beginning, not be confined to the bed in a hospital.
Ultimately, I am the boss, and will tell them that on Thursday when I go to see them, they could have estimated my due date wrong for all I know.
So from a fellow overdue gal, I'm sending you many
{{{{{LABOR VIBES}}}}}}!!!!!

Posted 12/20/05 8:32 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

241 total posts


Re: At what point would your doctor induce labor?

LABOR VIBES to you too!! I have some "bloody show" this morning so hopefully soon and I won't have to worry about induction!

Posted 12/21/05 10:32 AM

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