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So i went for a second opinion...

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Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


So i went for a second opinion...

My first gyn told me that i most likely had PCOS and did not even examine me (she went based on my reprots of how long my periods were as they are irregular and over 35 days most of the time), she pretty much told me to chart my temp and do OPK and come back in 3 months to look at it and figure out if we will need fertility meds. That wasnt good enough for me and my family though, so i went to another regular gyn for a second opinion and she was WONDERFUL! I happen to be ovulating as per the OPK so when she examined me she said my ovaries felt swollen (and it was painful when she was pressing down there) which could be a sign on ovulation OR it could be a sign of something else too (cysts, etc), so i have to go in one week for a blood test to check my progeterine levels b/c she said if i truly ovulated then they would be elevsted, she is also sending me for a pelvic and trasnvag sono the week after i get my next period to see if i have any cysts. She was really nice and pretty much said if my periods are b/t 35-37 days its just a long cycle and their is a good chance you can get preganant without meds, however mine have been longer then that. She did say if i ovulated that day that i should be expecting my period within 12-14 days which would put me at 35 days for this cycle. She was so funny when i first explained what was going on she was so excited i appeared to be ovulating she was like OMG you and your DH have to BD tonight!! but i explained about my yeast infection, so unfortunately we lost the oppurtunity this month. I am hoping i will continue to show signs of ovulation the months to come.
I also decided to go to a RE if these tests dont come back with good results. I just didnt want to go to an RE and get worked up and maybe it wasnt as big as a problem as I thought

Message edited 8/25/2006 9:35:14 AM.

Posted 8/25/06 9:33 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: So i went for a second opinion...

Glad you went for a second opinion --- good luck!! The biggest hurlde is fining out what the problem is (if there is one).

Posted 8/25/06 10:11 AM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: So i went for a second opinion...

Message edited 12/1/2010 9:52:29 PM.

Posted 8/25/06 10:13 AM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

2688 total posts


Re: So i went for a second opinion...

I'm glad you got a good 2nd opinion and had a good experience - it makes all the difference

Posted 8/25/06 10:25 AM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: So i went for a second opinion...

wow, thanks for the info, it helps :) i dont have any of the other symptoms of PCOS other then the irregular periods and fighting acne (even though i am 26 and should be past it), i am thin, dont have an overgrowth of body hair, and while i do shed i also have very long hair and its not in ridiculous quantities. I am very curious to see how the tests come back, b/c the lines on the OPK were soo dark and that was at CD17 and CD18, so hopefully my progesterine levels will correlate, my fear is that maybe i ovulated this month, but what if it doesnt happen next month. I think that i will def go to an RE as soon as my gyn gets the results, jsut to doucle check and make sure that everything is OK. My DH really wants to try for 6 months before going on any meds, but if it comes back that i am not ovuating, their is no point in wasting all that time.

also all my blood work came back normal, insulin, glucose, prolactin, and TSH, so their not to concerned about that

By the way, congrats on your twins Tah Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/25/2006 5:06:03 PM.

Posted 8/25/06 5:04 PM

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