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HELP.....She won't sleep at night

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Member since 5/05

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HELP.....She won't sleep at night

I wouldn't say she has her day's and nights mixed up...she is asleep but gets fussy at night. She calms right down when I hold her. As soon as I put her down, maybe 15 minutes later she is fussy, I let her go for a few minutes but then she starts crying. I end up holding her in my recliner and we sleep together. I don't want her to get used to this but it is the only way I can get some sleep.

I don't want to spoiler her but I don't want her to cry all night either. Any suggestions?

Posted 10/14/05 12:22 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: HELP.....She won't sleep at night

Im going through the exact same thing... Ryan refuses to sleep in his bassinett unless he is in a deep sleep when I put him in it..

He cries and fuss' until I sit up and talk to him (and he can see me) or until I hold him... A few night my goal was to make him fall asleep on mycheast and then put him back in.. but I ended up falling asleep tooChat Icon

I usually try to go into the bedroom..and call it a night by 11/12... but no matter what he wants to stay up until 2 and sit with me...

Last night I brought the bassinett in the living room and put it next to me...while I was fooling around on the computer.. and he laid there so happy just looking at me...

I dont know if he just wants to be with me..or he hates his bassinett...

Posted 10/14/05 12:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: HELP.....She won't sleep at night

Have you tried swaddling her? This really helped us. So much so that we swaddled until my daughter was 4 months old. It may give her the security she is seeking from you. Good luck.

Posted 10/14/05 12:31 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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Re: HELP.....She won't sleep at night

you are not the only one. My six week old will be sound asleep, snoring and all and as soon as his back is down his eyes pop open and he is wide awake!

We have tried several things:
miracle blanket
pack n play
snuggle nest
Every night is a diff storyChat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 12:43 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: HELP.....She won't sleep at night

Emily did that her first two nights and I thought it would be like that for weeks. For some reason the last 2 nights have been better. I am swaddling her really tight and we keep a "relaxing waters" cd running overnight, so I don't know if that made a difference.

Hopefully it'll get better soon. My brother's daughter is 10 months and he said that just when you get into a pattern they'll change all over, and you have to get into a new pattern. Just hang in there.

Posted 10/14/05 1:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: HELP.....She won't sleep at night

We're going through the same thing. I was swaddling her in the beginning but she would start squirming and trying to get her arms out which just frustrated her. The past few nights, I've been putting her in her pack & play with the "running water" sounds. It soothes her for a little while but she eventually wakes up screaming. This morning, she woke up around 5:30 and wouldn't go back to sleep so I put her in her swing, right next to the couch (where I slept) and we both fell asleep for about 3 hours.
Every night is a different story...I guess we all just have to hang in there until they get into a routine. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 2:30 PM

Making big changes

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Re: HELP.....She won't sleep at night

We went through this the first month with Christopher. Most of the time, he would either sleep in his car seat (the ONLY place he'd sleep aside from on us) or lying on DH and I. We tried swaddling and the co-sleeper, but neither worked. Finally when he was about a 5 weeks old, I realized that he would just keep sleeping like that unless we did something. We started putting him in his crib and even though I've heard under 6 months is too young, we used the Ferber method. It worked, but for some reason, Christopher would ONLY sleep on his stomach. So, I let him and after being paranoid for the first couple of weeks, I calmed down a bit and he started sleeping through the night.

Posted 10/14/05 5:00 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: HELP.....She won't sleep at night

Posted by 2003fallwedding

I wouldn't say she has her day's and nights mixed up...she is asleep but gets fussy at night. She calms right down when I hold her. As soon as I put her down, maybe 15 minutes later she is fussy, I let her go for a few minutes but then she starts crying. I end up holding her in my recliner and we sleep together. I don't want her to get used to this but it is the only way I can get some sleep.

I don't want to spoiler her but I don't want her to cry all night either. Any suggestions?

I am having the same problem. Usually I can get her to sleep in the snuggle nest part of the night but that's about it. She does this all day too though, not just at night. Today every time I put her down she woke up and cried. Finally we just slept together in the chair.

Posted 10/14/05 5:11 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: HELP.....She won't sleep at night

I try to swaddle her but she hates her arms being swaddled. Last night she was sleeping I put her in her crib around 11pm. She then spit up so I had to change her and her crib sheet. She went back down around midnight and she slept until 1:30am. She ate and fell asleep but I laid her in the crib and about 15 minutes later she was up fussing and crying (while she was sleeping) I ended up sleeping with her on my chest in the recliner til 6am. I fed her again and now she is awake. I laid her in the crib with some music and she eventually fell asleep. Maybe I will try the car seat tonight if I see she won't sleep in the crib. I miss my bed!!

Posted 10/17/05 11:27 AM

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