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5 month old mommies come in!

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Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


5 month old mommies come in!

what your DC's feeding schedule like?

Message edited 9/7/2006 8:31:25 PM.

Posted 9/7/06 8:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

5.5 mos......

4-5 bottles of 8 oz formula per day

2 tablespoons of cereal with am bottle

2pm bottle plus 1/2 jar of fruit or veggie of the day (Stage 1)

Message edited 9/7/2006 8:41:17 PM.

Posted 9/7/06 8:40 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

Posted by BlessedBMommi

5.5 mos......

4-5 bottles of 8 oz formula per day

2 tablespoons of cereal with am bottle

2pm bottle plus 1/2 jar of fruit or veggie of the day (Stage 1)

Gina--when will you move her up to more of the fruits/veggies?

Posted 9/7/06 8:50 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

The other morning she was still hungry after her cereal for breakfast so I gave her fruit in addition to the cereal. I think I will probably add a fruit with cereal soon and keep the veggie for later in the day. As for quantity she is still ok with 1/2 jar so I will keep to that for now.

Posted 9/7/06 8:54 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

Posted by BlessedBMommi

The other morning she was still hungry after her cereal for breakfast so I gave her fruit in addition to the cereal. I think I will probably add a fruit with cereal soon and keep the veggie for later in the day. As for quantity she is still ok with 1/2 jar so I will keep to that for now.

Isabella is having a total of 1 1/2 of jarred foods. I wonder if I am giving her too much. She would eat the whole jar if I let her. What do you think?

Posted 9/7/06 9:03 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

My ped would say if she's eating it then shes hungry. How's her weight?? Isabella is also pretty advanced...her first tooth came early....

Message edited 9/7/2006 9:20:51 PM.

Posted 9/7/06 9:19 PM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

30-33 oz of formula a day

Breakfast: Cereal 4 tbls

Lunch: Half of veggie jar

Dinner: Half of veggie jar

I haven't started fruits yet because I read somewhere that once they taste fruit they don't want veggies.

Do you find that to be true? I was thinking of starting fruit soon.

Posted 9/7/06 10:06 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

Posted by dld4e

30-33 oz of formula a day

Breakfast: Cereal 4 tbls

Lunch: Half of veggie jar

Dinner: Half of veggie jar

I haven't started fruits yet because I read somewhere that once they taste fruit they don't want veggies.

Do you find that to be true? I was thinking of starting fruit soon.

Yes. They like the sweet taste little boogers!

Posted 9/8/06 7:31 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

DS will be 5 months next wed. and he is still just on formula. He has 35oz a day, 7oz every 3 hours. I did try cereal but I dont think he is ready for it. Although I did try again and he ate it. Now he is sick so I want to wait until he is better to continue with it.

Posted 9/8/06 7:32 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

5 1/2 months and nursing on demand. Not sure when we are going to start solids...

Posted 9/8/06 7:58 AM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

Posted by BlessedBMommi

My ped would say if she's eating it then shes hungry. How's her weight?? Isabella is also pretty advanced...her first tooth came early....

she's in the 50%tile for weight, so I don't think that's an issue. I'll keep on doing what I'm doing, and mention it to my ped at the end of this month.ThanksChat Icon

Posted 9/8/06 4:16 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

Posted by dld4e

30-33 oz of formula a day

Breakfast: Cereal 4 tbls

Lunch: Half of veggie jar

Dinner: Half of veggie jar

I haven't started fruits yet because I read somewhere that once they taste fruit they don't want veggies.

Do you find that to be true? I was thinking of starting fruit soon.

Isabella doesn't mind the veggies, she likes them both equally. I think I've got a ham on my hands!

Posted 9/8/06 4:16 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 5 month old mommies come in!

Julia is 6 months now - but at 5 months - we were giving her cereal 3 times a day - breakfast 3-4 tbsp w/fruit, for lunch - 3-4 tbsp with veggies and some fruit, for dinner 3-4 tbsp with veggies and fruit.

Each time we offered her a bottle and she drank about 6 oz of it after 1/2 hour or more later.

I also would give her a few ounces of water in her sippy cup each day.

I've made my own food - so i just eyeball an amount of veggie/fruit for her - probably a few tbspoons.

Message edited 9/8/2006 4:22:35 PM.

Posted 9/8/06 4:21 PM

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