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Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

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can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

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Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

No, it's not for me!!!!

A good friend of mine from work just found out that she's pregnant, she's got an appointment with her doctor tomorrow to confirm (she did the EPT thing)....she thinks about 6 weeks...she doesn't want to tell anyone until she knows for sure, and until that 3 month mark....
well, our unit had made plans to go to red lobster for a christmas lunch together, and she doesn't want to bail...but she's not sure what she can have....
it's no shellfish, right?

do shrimp count as shellfish?)<----this might be a really stupid question, but please don't make fun)

anyone have any menu suggestions???

Posted 12/8/05 11:50 AM
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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

She can opt for Chicken or Steak.

Posted 12/8/05 11:51 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast! fish ok? is it just shellfish?

Posted 12/8/05 11:52 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Here's a recent post on Pregnancy on what foods to avoid. You can see that some doctors are more conservative than others. Foods to avoid while preggo

ETA: my doctor never said no shellfish. No shark, swordfish, king mackeral or tilefish and no raw seafood.

Message edited 12/8/2005 11:54:02 AM.

Posted 12/8/05 11:52 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

I'm no help...I ate whatveer was put in front of me.

Posted 12/8/05 11:52 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Posted by sarahsmommy

Here's a recent post on Pregnancy on what foods to avoid. You can see that some doctors are more conservative than others. Foods to avoid while preggo


Posted 12/8/05 11:54 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Depends on what her doctor says and how paranoid she is about what she eats. My doctor said no bottom-feeding fish which includes shrimp, lobster, crab, catfish, etc. I ate shrimp. My cousin's doctor said shrimp was FINE and she couldn't get enough of it while PG.

Also, there are alot of different kinds of fish that she should avoid: tilefish, King Macarel, Swordfish (I think)...there's a list somewhere, I will look it up for you.

If she has not seen her dr by that point, I would say she should play it safe and stick with the chicken.

Posted 12/8/05 11:54 AM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

dr's advise staying away from shellfish and canned tuna (b/c of the mercury)

i DID eat shrimp and tuna during my pregnancy, but it was much later on (3rd trimester)...and in moderation...(maybe one or twice a month)

she can have a steak or chicken though.

Posted 12/8/05 11:56 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Thanks guys!!!!! You're the best!

Posted 12/8/05 11:58 AM

Our life is complete

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

My Dr said shellfish is fine in moderation. She did say no tuna though.

Posted 12/8/05 11:59 AM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

She should stay away from all seafood for now. there are some things she can have but really not until after the 1st trimester. It's not worth the risk.

chicken or steak is fine..and salad.

No soft cheeses though (like blue cheese dressing, etc)

No deli meats - not that they serve deli meats LOL

Posted 12/8/05 12:07 PM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Posted by MrsJ

She should stay away from all seafood for now. there are some things she can have but really not until after the 1st trimester. It's not worth the risk.

chicken or steak is fine..and salad.

No soft cheeses though (like blue cheese dressing, etc)

No deli meats - not that they serve deli meats LOL

okay...she just doesn't want to raise a red flag with the other woman we work with....

Posted 12/8/05 12:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Posted by LFitzy79

Posted by MrsJ

She should stay away from all seafood for now. there are some things she can have but really not until after the 1st trimester. It's not worth the risk.

chicken or steak is fine..and salad.

No soft cheeses though (like blue cheese dressing, etc)

No deli meats - not that they serve deli meats LOL

okay...she just doesn't want to raise a red flag with the other woman we work with....

Do your colleagues know if she likes seafood? I don't, so I always get chicken at seafood restaurants.

Posted 12/8/05 12:09 PM

Two in Blue

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

My Dr never said no shrimp, just the fish mentioned above-tilefish, tuna(steaks) etc. I was told shelfish was fine 2-3 times a week

Posted 12/8/05 12:10 PM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

I don't know how perceptive they are....but we've never all gone to a seafood place together, so it might go unnoticed....

Posted 12/8/05 12:11 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Here is a site with general guidelines for everyone on how much and what type of fish to eat per month. I would imagine that a pregnant woman could follow the strictest guidelines, which would be those for young children on this site (but checking with the doc Chat Icon )

Fish to avoid

Posted 12/8/05 12:12 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Posted by LFitzy79

I don't know how perceptive they are....but we've never all gone to a seafood place together, so it might go unnoticed....

She can always say that last time she had shrimp she had a reaction (skin rash) or something, if anyone brings it up.

My doctor told me that it was fine to have shrimp and stuff like that. She did say not to eat it everyday though.

Posted 12/8/05 12:16 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Posted by LFitzy79

I don't know how perceptive they are....but we've never all gone to a seafood place together, so it might go unnoticed....

I don't think anyone will make a big deal out of it if she doesn't. If someone actually questioned her choice she could say she's in the mood for chicken or whatever.

Congrats to your friend.Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 12:25 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Me too and my kids are fine-lol!!

Posted 12/8/05 12:35 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Posted by LFitzy79

I don't know how perceptive they are....but we've never all gone to a seafood place together, so it might go unnoticed....

I never really eat seafood, PG or not. Hopefully they wont notice.

I would order chicken and have a salad...just with non-blue cheese dressing Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 12:47 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Congrats to your friend.

I was told all in moderation. I ate lots of shrimp while I was preggo!! I had cravings for it at times!! I ate most fish - only avoided raw fish (which I don't like anyway) and ifsh with high levels of mercury (tuna steaks, swordfish, etc.)

Posted 12/8/05 1:50 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: Ladies who are pregnant, or who have been, I need your help with menu choices fast!

Posted by MrsJ

I never really eat seafood, PG or not. Hopefully they wont notice.

I would order chicken and have a salad...just with non-blue cheese dressing Chat Icon

My doctor told me that bleu cheese dressing is fine, it is the fresh bleu cheese.
I hope this is the case, cause I have to have them with my buffalo wings - which I can not get enough of during this pregnancy Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 2:27 PM

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