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How many cars?

Forum Opinion Poll
Stick to one car for as long as you can 16 25.81%
Try it and see - if it doesn't work get a new car 27 43.55%
Get a new car now 19 30.65%
Other 0 0.00%

A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

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Member since 5/05

10767 total posts


A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

DH & I sold his Range Rover today! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon We made enough profit on the sale to pay off my car loan so right this second we are car payment free Chat Icon

Here's the question: Would you try to live with one car for a while and bank the extra money from both cars payments or would you go out and get another car so that you have two cars? We would then have one car payment.

We're both so used to having two cars and doing our own thing on weekends and stuff (shopping, errands, etc...) and I worry that it will drive me (more than him) batty. I am always out on Saturday's with my mom or girlfriends shopping, doing lunch, running errands. He sometimes goes out, works or runs errands on Saturday's.

We have another car, but it's his toy - it's an old GMC Jimmy that he takes off-roading and plays around with the boys. It can get him from A to B whenever he needs to, but it's not something I trust 100% to use on a daily basis. So really we would depend on the 1 car for most of our daily driving.

So I'm just wondering what you would do - try the 1-car situation for a while or go out tomorrow and get a car?

Posted 3/12/06 6:44 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

I've done the 1 car thing...we did it for MONTHS. it worked for us well!

Posted 3/12/06 6:53 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

If you don't really NEED two cars, I say try it with one. What's the worst case scenario? You have to buy another one....which is what you're contemplating doing anyway. Hey, even if you do it for month, you saved that month's car payment AND insurance!

Posted 3/12/06 7:10 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Well you have two cars actually...
If he needs something he has the Jimmy
So i think i would try it out

Posted 3/12/06 7:22 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

I would try it for a little while and see how it works out.

Posted 3/12/06 7:23 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by prncssrachel

If you don't really NEED two cars, I say try it with one. What's the worst case scenario? You have to buy another one....which is what you're contemplating doing anyway. Hey, even if you do it for month, you saved that month's car payment AND insurance!

i agree

Posted 3/12/06 7:53 PM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

13673 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

I'd try it out with one car for now

Posted 3/12/06 7:56 PM


Member since 5/05

10767 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

you're right but part of me reeeeaaaallly wants to go buy a new car noooooooowwwww Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 8:02 PM

Earned My Bragging Rights!

Member since 5/05

6141 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Congrats on the saleChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I agree w/the others maybe try 1 car for a while and see what happensChat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 8:07 PM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

1450 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Personally it would drive me nuts having to share a car. I am just too used to having my own vehicle. With that said I would probably try to live with one car and take it from there. Depending on the car you want you can get it so fast that it shouldn't be a big deal if one car does not work out.

Posted 3/12/06 10:01 PM

Married for 9 yrs!!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6672 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by prncssrachel

If you don't really NEED two cars, I say try it with one. What's the worst case scenario? You have to buy another one....which is what you're contemplating doing anyway. Hey, even if you do it for month, you saved that month's car payment AND insurance!


DH & I do the one car deal ALL the time but that is because I don't drive! Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 10:15 PM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by Elbee

you're right but part of me reeeeaaaallly wants to go buy a new car noooooooowwwww Chat Icon

Me too!! I'd totally be the impractical one and be at the car dealership NOW Chat Icon

Congrats on the sale!! I take it this isn't the guy who was going to buy it for his son?

Posted 3/13/06 8:52 AM


Member since 5/05

10767 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by Leeners
Congrats on the sale!! I take it this isn't the guy who was going to buy it for his son?

Same guy! Can you believe it? He still wanted the car. Dh said he was the worst salesman - telling him every minute detail of what needs to be done, what might happen, what things cost.
The guy is a client of DH and he wanted to be as honest as possible. The guy said he wanted it anyway. Dh even said to him, bring a mechanic, look it over, DH gave him all of our recipts from Range Rover Service and their recommendations for this year.
The son is 16 and won't be driving it until next December anyway, so I guess he figures he'll fix any issues before the son gets his license.
You can't believe what used Range Rover's go for, so really the man got a good deal. The car doesn't need that much fixing, but with Range Rover every thing is always $$.

Posted 3/13/06 9:09 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Wow...times are changing. I never got a Range Rover when I was 16.....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Congratulations on the sale!!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 9:11 AM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

I'd try to make it on one car too...Unless you are considering a Mini Cooper. i wouldn't be able to pass that up. Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 9:17 AM


Member since 5/05

10767 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by LadyLainez

Wow...times are changing. I never got a Range Rover when I was 16.....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Congratulations on the sale!!! Chat Icon

Well that's why the father is buying him a used one. All the kids friends have brand new trucks and luxury cars but the father came from humble beginnings so as much as he can afford to spoil his children now he's not willing to buy his son a brand new RR.

Posted 3/13/06 9:19 AM


Member since 5/05

10767 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by baghag

I'd try to make it on one car too...Unless you are considering a Mini Cooper. i wouldn't be able to pass that up. Chat Icon


Posted 3/13/06 9:20 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by Elbee

Posted by LadyLainez

Wow...times are changing. I never got a Range Rover when I was 16.....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Congratulations on the sale!!! Chat Icon

Well that's why the father is buying him a used one. All the kids friends have brand new trucks and luxury cars but the father came from humble beginnings so as much as he can afford to spoil his children now he's not willing to buy his son a brand new RR.

what year is your car?

Posted 3/13/06 9:20 AM

I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05

5150 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by prncssrachel

If you don't really NEED two cars, I say try it with one. What's the worst case scenario? You have to buy another one....which is what you're contemplating doing anyway. Hey, even if you do it for month, you saved that month's car payment AND insurance!

Not to mention GAS!!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 9:20 AM


Member since 5/05

10767 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

Posted by LadyLainez
what year is your car?

The RR was a 2000.
My Jeep is a 1999 and is in perfect condition, with about 60k miles on it.

Personally I want a sedan.

Posted 3/13/06 9:21 AM

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

14656 total posts


Re: A WooHoo & Opinons Wanted

I say try it and see.

Posted 3/13/06 12:52 PM

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