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Baby poo question

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Member since 5/05

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Baby poo question

Sorry if TMI! Here's the question - how do you clean it out of clothing? I'm so sick of tossing every outfit she has an "accident" in. I just tossed two of the cutest Ralph Lauren outfits Chat Icon Is there anyway to get the stains out?

Posted 3/2/06 8:52 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

It doesn't come out in the washing machine?

Posted 3/2/06 8:55 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

I love Oxiclean. I have not had the explosive poop problem.

They make oxiclean for babies now!

Posted 3/2/06 9:02 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

If you hand wash while its fresh Chat Icon (ick) it comes out really easily. I just used my regular ivory hand soap, rinsed out the poo and let it dry, and then washed in the machine at the end of the week with the rest of her laundry.

Fortunately this stage passes (no pun intended) once they eat solids and the poo isn't so messy!

Posted 3/2/06 9:03 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

We use the Tide scrub brush on the bad stains and then soak it in the washing machine before washing it. The only things I throw away are the onesie t-shirts if it is very bad, but I try to clean all the outfits.

Posted 3/2/06 9:04 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

Posted by Calla

If you hand wash while its fresh Chat Icon (ick) it comes out really easily. I just used my regular ivory hand soap, rinsed out the poo and let it dry, and then washed in the machine at the end of the week with the rest of her laundry.

Fortunately this stage passes (no pun intended) once they eat solids and the poo isn't so messy!

Really? Because we never had this problem until she started eating solids! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 9:11 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

Posted by BrunetteMom

It doesn't come out in the washing machine?

Nope... it leaves an icky stain Chat Icon I can't send my daughter to daycare with poop stains in her clothes! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 9:12 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

Posted by Bxgell2

Really? Because we never had this problem until she started eating solids! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh man, I'm so sorry! For me it was the EBF poos that shot up the back of the diaper and onto her clothes regularly. Now that she has grown up poop its stinkier, but at least it stays in the diaper.

I wonder if she is ready for the next size diaper as well...

Posted 3/2/06 9:19 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

Posted by Calla

Posted by Bxgell2

Really? Because we never had this problem until she started eating solids! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh man, I'm so sorry! For me it was the EBF poos that shot up the back of the diaper and onto her clothes regularly. Now that she has grown up poop its stinkier, but at least it stays in the diaper.

I wonder if she is ready for the next size diaper as well...

No way! She's already in the size 3's and she's only 5 months! Chat Icon I don't think there's any diaper in the world that could contain these puppies Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 9:22 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by BrunetteMom

It doesn't come out in the washing machine?

Nope... it leaves an icky stain Chat Icon I can't send my daughter to daycare with poop stains in her clothes! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh dear! lol

Posted 3/2/06 9:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

I soak it in dreft or oxiclean and then wash. Gets out most stains. She'd have no clothes left if I tossed all the poop outfits. Chat Icon

Message edited 3/2/2006 9:43:24 AM.

Posted 3/2/06 9:43 AM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by Calla

If you hand wash while its fresh Chat Icon (ick) it comes out really easily. I just used my regular ivory hand soap, rinsed out the poo and let it dry, and then washed in the machine at the end of the week with the rest of her laundry.

Fortunately this stage passes (no pun intended) once they eat solids and the poo isn't so messy!

Really? Because we never had this problem until she started eating solids! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Same here - and the more solids Michael eats the worse it's getting!!! Luckily his explosive poops have only really hit the onesie underneath. I usually hurry as fast as I can to hand wash it and it usually comes out!

Posted 3/2/06 9:44 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

154 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

I keep a bottle of Spray & Wash in the nursery. Bad stains like formula and poop I spray right away and then try to wash that day. I even have DH doing this too! Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 9:46 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: Baby poo question

Luckily, we only experienced it once and I didn't even attempt to wash it. It went straight in the trash Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 9:48 AM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Baby poo question

I usually hand wash it first (ick!) and then spray and wash - and finally the washing machine. Usually it works.

Posted 3/2/06 10:17 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

Miranda's just wshes right out. I never throw anything away.

Posted 3/2/06 10:18 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

I always hand rinse (ick!) first and then put it in the washer right away. And he's had some monster poo explosions, not to be gross. If I'm not there, I'll come home to a disaster in the bathroom where DH has thrown his dirty clothes in a pile and left them there for hours on end -- those I pretreat and try to wash as soon as possible.

Message edited 3/2/2006 10:24:12 AM.

Posted 3/2/06 10:23 AM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

Beth - I know what you think about the size 3's but I've had Joseph in the 4's for about 2 weeks now and NO MORE MESSY!!! It totally stays in the diaper. His got to be MUCH more w/ the solids too...try the 4's! Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 10:29 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Baby poo question

I always filled up the sink and let it soak in some detergent and then took it to the washing machine. We have a front-loading washing machine, so its a little harder to let it soak there.

Oh, and I also use DREFT stain remover spray. I forget where I got it, but it works and it specifically says its great to get out BM, formula and poop stains!

Posted 3/2/06 10:44 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Baby poo question

Baby Oxiclean is the BEST!!! Logan always seems to poop up the back of his diaperChat Icon . You just spray the stain, no soaking or anything....just spray and wash (and it doesn't HAVE to be washed right away). I haven't had to throw anything out yet (and he gets poop on lots of thingsChat Icon ). I couldn't live without the stuff!!!! They have it a BRUChat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 10:49 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Baby poo question

Message edited 12/21/2011 11:52:27 AM.

Posted 3/2/06 12:13 PM

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