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Need to hear from older first time parents please.

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Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I'm really upset today. I'm turning 33 in a few months and we are just not in a financial position to start trying yet. But I'm scared that if we wait too long we might not be able to have a baby.

Any advice from anyone that started trying of had their first after 34 or 35?

So many people tell me don't wait, do it now and we just can't afford it.

Posted 2/15/06 11:25 AM
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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I just turned 33 and we are having our first. I am not a parent yet - I am due at the end of May. We were not in the financial position to have a child, but we wanted to have one, and we said we will figure out what we need to when it comes to money. I am glad we didn't wait. It took us 11 months to get pregnant. The longer people wait, sometimes it is a little harder to get pregnant.

Posted 2/15/06 11:45 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I had my first at 34 (she's almost 3 months old now) - I'm hoping to try again in the next year for no. 2.

I had the same worries as you - Some how things just work out. Everyone that I know who has kids says you'll never be financially ready - and I think they are right. You just kind of do it and make it work.

Good Luck to you!

Posted 2/15/06 11:49 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I had Andrew at 34 (he was just about a honeymoon baby) -- we didn't think or plan we just went for it and somehow we find ways to make everything work (financially).

Good luck!

Posted 2/15/06 12:15 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I'll be 33 2 mos after my first baby is born, and DH is 38...will be 39 4 months after she is born. So don't feel bad!

MY good friend had her first at 40 and her second at almost 42!

Posted 2/15/06 12:44 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I had my first at 31 and I wasn't in a finacial state but we managed and things worked out we didn't plan or anything but we were very happy to find out we were having a baby it al l jsut fell into place and all works out.

Message edited 2/15/2006 3:19:50 PM.

Posted 2/15/06 3:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

If you wait until you think you are financially stable you will be waiting a lifetime. Everything works out and you budget better and it works. I wouldn't wait solely based on the money factor.

Posted 2/15/06 3:36 PM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I am due in May with my 1st. I am 31 It was a HUGE surprise considering the fact we are not even married yet...You never truly are ready. it is a huge fear knowing this life will depend on you for every need it has yet. I am so excited to become a Mom now and I am confident that even though we are not in the best finacial situation that everything will work out.

Posted 2/15/06 3:45 PM

My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05

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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

Posted by Marcie

I just turned 33 and we are having our first. I am not a parent yet - I am due at the end of May. We were not in the financial position to have a child, but we wanted to have one, and we said we will figure out what we need to when it comes to money. I am glad we didn't wait. It took us 11 months to get pregnant. The longer people wait, sometimes it is a little harder to get pregnant.

Same here, also 33 and due end of April and it was the same for us with money.

Posted 2/15/06 3:48 PM

My boys

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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

Posted by ddunne2

If you wait until you think you are financially stable you will be waiting a lifetime. Everything works out and you budget better and it works. I wouldn't wait solely based on the money factor.

I agree! I am 35 and just had my first. We worried b/c I was in the middle of changing careersChat Icon and we don't have a house but we decided to go for it anyway. We are so happy we didChat Icon

Edited to say: I had no troubles getting pregnant.

Message edited 2/15/2006 11:15:32 PM.

Posted 2/15/06 5:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

Some people get pregnant right away and some take a while. There is no way to no which one you will be. Only you and your DH know when the right time is for you.

Posted 2/15/06 5:37 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I had my first (and only at this point) at 37 (he is 9 1/2 months now). We had no trouble getting PG. I don't know if we'll have another due to our ages, so that is also something you should consider.

I don't think there is ever a time where everything is ready and perfect. Somehow things just work themselves out.

Posted 2/15/06 7:43 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

We had our first at 37 me and 38. (she is 17 months) We just had our second 4 weeks ago at 38 and 39. We didin't get married until later in life so we started trying for our first relatively early. We weren't sure how long it may take for the 2nd so we just let nature take its course...we were hoping they would be some where between a 1 and a half and 2 years apart. We were luckly and were able to conceive right away. We were concerned b/c so many of our friends had such a hard time.

We feel very blessed. Good luck in your decison.

Posted 2/15/06 10:13 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Need to hear from older first time parents please.

I am 36 and am PG with my first, due in April. I too didn't get married until later (35) and we decided to wait until we had our house to start trying. I was scared because of all the stories of older women having trouble conceiving, but we waited anyway. Well, 8 months later we had a closing date for our house and guess what -- first try! Don't worry too much you can't always plan everything. Just make the best decision you can for yourself at the time you're making it. That's really all you can do. Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/06 3:59 AM

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