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Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

I was at the mall today and went into Stride Rite to see what kind of shoes they had.

It got me thinking...

When did you get your child fitted for their first pair or "real" shoes and not just cutsie dress up ones?

They had stage 1, 2, 3 (crawling, cruising, walking) --- is it necessary to get the cruising ones? I always heard of waiting till they are walking and then only for when you are out -- barefoot is best for in the house -- at least from what I heard.

How often do you buy new shoes?

And which is better -- to buy cheaper ones that you fit yourself since you have to replace them so often, or to spend the extra $$ to get good, well made ones so that they provide the proper support for the little growing footsies?

Thanks guys -- since I have an almost walker I think it's time I go out and do this....and I just don't know what to do!

Posted 8/20/06 4:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

I agree with you to wiat until they are walking and only wear them outside. I did by stride rites for his first pair. Now I buy anything.

Posted 8/20/06 4:56 PM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

They were both a year when I bought them shoes (they walked at 11 months). Stride Rite only for the first year, unless it was a dress up event than Payless. I kept them barefoot as long as possible so they could practice walking. That was the advice from both my podiatrist & pediatrician.

Stride Rite has an outlet out east if you're looking for bargains.

I would check their shoes & when they were too tight or when DH would comment on foot binding, I would go back - maybe every 6 months in the beginning.

I spent the extra money on good shoes because my kids were constantly out of the house. If I was a SAHM or the home most of the day, I would keep them barefoot whenever possible & less expensive shoes when they go out.

Posted 8/20/06 5:29 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

Thanks guys -- I was thinking I should do stride rite at least until I get the hang of the shoe thing -- to make sure that it's a good fit. I was thinking that when she is a year I should buy them...or when she walks -- whatever comes first, but now I am thinking I should just get them now.

She is standing on her own without holding onto anything and also doing a great job of walking while holding our hands and even while only holding one hand. Today at the mall she was so antsy and I really wanted to just let her walk while holding my hands for a bit but was afraid the floor would be dirty.

I have to convince my DH that we really DO need to spend $40 on a pair of shoes for our little girl now.

Also what did you guys do as far as velcro, laces? I was thinking a girly shoe with velcro would be easiest -- instead of laces...

And should I go with the softer flexible "cruiser" shoes or the harder soled walking shoes?

I am so full of questions. I'm so glad to have you ladies who have done this before!

Posted 8/20/06 5:32 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

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Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

We bought both both of our kids their first "walkers" when they were at the point your daughter is at. I think it's important for the first few pairs of shoes to be fitted by someone knowledgeable, since you won't know whether your daughter needs a wide width (many babies do), and exactly what size she wears. I really liked the cruisers (stage 2, I think), because they are so soft and flexible. They work for babies who are really still learning to walk. I left both kids barefoot in the house, but when it got colder, outdoor shoes were a must, and I was very happy with the cruisers. Many of the girlie, velcro shoes are very flexible, so that is probably a good choice to start with. It's amazing how fast our babies grow up! Chat Icon

Posted 8/20/06 6:27 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

I didn't get "real" shoes for my DD until she was walking very well on her own. (around 14 months) I went to a local family owned store that carries Stride Rite and spent $28. Before that it was Robeez. She only wears the Stride Rite shoes when walking outside.

For $28 I'd get the well made ones to make sure she has proper fit and support. When shes old enough to talk to me I won't worry as much.

Posted 8/20/06 8:59 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

I only put shoes on her if we're out in public. Otherwise she's barefoot. I buy them from Payless, she always scratches them up so to me there's no point spending too much $

Posted 8/20/06 9:13 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

Emily and Bella are basically on the same timeframeChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ...I heard that barefoot is best when they are learning to walk, but once they start taking steps to get them fitted for proper walking shoes for the support...I am taking Bella to Stride-Rite this week...

PS...she hasn't had anything on her feet since memorial day...
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Posted 8/20/06 9:51 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

Posted by mommy2bellabean

Emily and Bella are basically on the same timeframeChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ...I heard that barefoot is best when they are learning to walk, but once they start taking steps to get them fitted for proper walking shoes for the support...I am taking Bella to Stride-Rite this week...

PS...she hasn't had anything on her feet since memorial day...
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I think Emily has worn shoes twice! Both times for her photos! Other then that it's always socks or barefoot, and I'd say no socks since Memorial day too.

You know...the first day you joined I said that Bella reminded me so much of Emily...and she still does.

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Posted 8/20/06 10:02 PM


Member since 4/06

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Re: Okay -- let's talk shoes...BTDT moms!

I waited until DD started walking to buy her first pair of shoes. I went to a local children's shoe store and bought the stride right soft soul ankle shoes. I think these are the traditional "first shoes" for children. I was told to wait on shoes until DD started to walk since it's best for their footing when learning to walk to be barefoot.

If there are situations like today at the mall where you want to let her walk you could purchase a less expensive slipper like shoe ( I think I saw some atTarget) just to have on her feet. The will be heavier than a sock but lighter than a walking shoe. If you find that she is out and about a lot then you could invest in the walking shoes.

DD's first pair of walking shoes ( they were around $40) lasted a little less than 3 months before she grew out of them. DD's feet do grow fast but 3-4 months is what I heard fo an average lifespan of shoes b/f they grow out of them.

Posted 8/21/06 12:15 AM

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