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BTDT-colicky babies

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my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


BTDT-colicky babies

I am waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel with my 8 week old son. If you baby was colicky how did it end? I have heard that three months was the magic number. Does it stop just suddenly or is it gradual? Does it get worse before it gets better? I feel as if it is getting worse everynight, or maybe my patience is wearing out! I can't wait for that night when he is his happy self like he is all day long. As soon as 9:30 comes (not a minute later) happy hour begins!Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/05 11:09 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: BTDT-colicky babies

I can tell you exactly when it started to decline - 11 weeks!! I know because his 10th week was my worst week ever (I was on 3 hour repeat mode - where he cried pretty much about 1-2 hours of every three hours until he went to sleep around 11pm at night - for a week straight pretty much)!!!!!! So mine did get worse before it got better. After that it was a slow decline and went away around 12/13 weeks. And at that time, he also started to sleep much better at nights - what I called thru the night. At least 6 hours straight.

Now he is a good and very, very happy baby. Of course he has his moments but nothing near what it was. For the most part, he typically only cries when there is something wrong, he's bored or he doesn't get his way or over-tired and won't let himself sleep.

Good Luck to you .

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Message edited 10/24/2005 11:25:55 AM.

Posted 10/24/05 11:25 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

227 total posts


Re: BTDT-colicky babies

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I was there so I know how it feels and its horrible! Only people with a colicky child can know how bad it can get!! My son's 11th week was the worst and I remember saying holy s..t! Is this ever going to end! I thought 3 months was the marker.... Sure enough, at 3-3 1/2 months old, he was drastically better. Night time was always the worst, but my son was colicky all day! Hang in there. It makes us all stronger!!!! FM me if you need to talk...

Posted 10/24/05 1:13 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: BTDT-colicky babies

I was lucky with Christopher, because he wasn't terribly colicky. He would have one point every day in the evening (around 6 or 7) that would usually only last an hour or two. It stopped around the time he turned 2 months old.

Posted 10/24/05 1:18 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: BTDT-colicky babies

omg i feel for you at 8:30 Cassidy would start!!! there were nights i would cry with her it is so stressfullChat Icon , i found using gripe water and dr browns bottles helped her a bit i also switched to Nutramigen formula designed for colic babies! I have to say Cassidy was a little over 12 weeks! She got better gradually!!! Good luck!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/05 1:33 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: BTDT-colicky babies

Sarah's ended right around 12-13 weeks. i don't remember it being worse before it ended, but by that point I was pretty much on my last nerve anyway.

Posted 10/24/05 1:54 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: BTDT-colicky babies

thanks for the sympathy...nobody knows. When people see him they comment on what a good baby he is, i tell them that if they hang around tell 9:30 they will get to see a show. What I am amazed at is that it starts at thesame time. One night he was sleeping as the time was approaching and we were curious to see what would happen. At 9:29 with his eyes still shut his little lips started pouting...and it began.

Posted 10/24/05 3:59 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: BTDT-colicky babies

Well yesterday I was so exhausted that I decided to go and buy the Dr. Browns bottles, i was using Avent. I think it might have worked a bit. He did not cry for 2 1/2 hours straight he just fussedand cried here and there. However he did not fall asleep till 12:30 he was wideawake. I guess the two hours of crying used to knock him out. I was tired but my ears weren't ringing from the screaming.

Posted 10/25/05 8:48 AM

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