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Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05 1292 total posts
Name: a
I'm dying inside...
Hi there,
I'm a regular lurker on this board...I am not TTC yet but am hoping to this winter. I can't TTC now because of career issues. In fact, I should wait another 4 - 5 years but we decided it would be too risky considering I will be in my mid - late 30's at that time so the chance of 1 would be less, 2 would be virtually impossible since career won't let me have them too close together.
WHY do we spend our whole lives avoiding having kids and working on career and then when we want kids it is sooo difficult?! Why is society so messed up right now that we are pressured to put career before family?
I'm just depressed b/c I've been around a lot of moms that didn't want to be lately...oops pregnancies.
Posted 9/11/05 3:28 PM |
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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: I'm dying inside...
to you! It's a very hard decision and there are plenty of us who put a family first before career.
DH and I were no where near in our careers or really financially settled to start our family, but we both wanted it. so we went for it.
If your career won't compromise and makes you feel guilty about wanting to start your family....I'd have to say I'd be thinking of moving on. It's hard, but YOU need to do what's right for you!!!
It's been a trend lately where more moms are staying home or trying to juggle the career PT and be a mom too. We moved from NY because we want me to stay home at some point (not yet, but soon hopefully). Family values are what was more important to us.
If this is what you want, then do it. No one has the right to make that decision for you, nor make you feel guilty about it.
Posted 9/11/05 3:32 PM |
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