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Mommies who have boys

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Mommies who have boys

When I brought Jared to his check up, the doctor was examining his peesh. He said that the skin around the head had attached itself to the rest of the peesh and he had to seperate it. When he did it , it bled a little and you could see that Jared was hurting. I have to apply vaseline to it every day to make sure it doesn't stick again.

Anyone have this problem? Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/06 8:54 AM
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Re: Mommies who have boys

We did with Jake. It didn't get that bad though because I guess it just so happened that he had an appt and the Dr caught it before it got really bad. They told us to pull back the skin at every diaper change but they didn't say anything about vaseline. The first time she did it at the office it looked like it hurt and it was all red. But after that it was no big deal. The first few diaper changes seemed to bother him but then it was easy and painless for him. I don't do it anymore because it seems to have corrected itself now, there is nothing to pull back anymore and it's not sticking anymore. I would say it took about a month or so to get to that point. They said it's very common for this to happen to baby boys.

Posted 5/24/06 9:09 AM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who have boys

This happened to my gf's son and he had to be recircumcised at age 2. Alex isn't circumcised so I haven't had any problems yet because the skin doesn't detach for some time. Then we have to show him how to properly clean it. My Dr. said not to do anything to it.

Posted 5/24/06 9:26 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Mommies who have boys

Yup. Same thing happened to Joseph. It sounds like Joseph's may have been worse since our pediatrician wanted us to go to a pediatric urologist. I had to but numbing cream on & the doctor had to separate the skin. I think I had to use bacitracin on him until he was checked again.

Posted 5/24/06 9:36 AM

My 3 Miracles!

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Re: Mommies who have boys

Oh yes!!! Caiden had this as well. His doctor had to separate it as well and it looked like it hurt. He said to keep pulling the skin down when I change his diaper to try to keep it from happening. Well, it did keep happening. At one point the doctor said that it will grow and separate itself. Well, he's 28 months old and about a month ago that's what happened. It is now detached, but sooooo red inside and around the outside part that was attached. I did bring him to the doctor again a couple of weeks ago and he said to apply 1% cortisone cream. I have been applying it, but it doesn't seem to help it all the time. I feel so bad because he tells me his "pee pee" hurts and asks for me to put medicine on it! Chat Icon He used to not let me go near it at one point. My DH saw how red it was and said that's got to hurt! Hopefully you won't have to deal with it as long as I have. The doctor said the skin attaching is normal and not to worry about it. Good luck!

Posted 5/24/06 9:40 AM

life moves fast

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Re: Mommies who have boys

OMG! Yes, that happened to Jordan when he was about Jareds age, I didn't think that it happened to anyone elseChat Icon but they had to apply a numbing cream and separate it, it was horrible.. he SCREAMED, I cried, but it healed and is completely normal now

Posted 5/24/06 9:42 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who have boys

I heard this can happen so i pull back his skin at every diaper change and after his bath. It was actually the one useful thing my ahole OB had told me!

Posted 5/24/06 9:52 AM

Live in the Present

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Re: Mommies who have boys

James had the same thing...the Dr. just told me to push it back at least once a day....its fine now

Posted 5/24/06 10:01 AM

Our life is complete

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Re: Mommies who have boys

This happend to my nephew. Except my nephew was exploring his peesh and pulled the skin back himself and made it bleed enough that my SIL took him to the pediatrician immediatly. The dr pushed back the rest of the skin and gave her an ointment. He told her even though my nephew was circumsized his skin should be pushed back and cleaned at every diaper change.

Her BF's son had to be re-circumzsized because of this.

Posted 5/24/06 10:40 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

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Re: Mommies who have boys

it's crazy the Dr's don't tell you to do this. When Ryan was 3 months old I noticed it looked kinda funny and it was red around the rim of the tip. The Dr. pulled it back and he said make sure I pull back and clean it. Ryan cried for a minute and then forgot about it.

I wish the Hospital or the Dr. had told me that ahead of time

Posted 5/24/06 5:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who have boys

Yep, Andrew had the adhesions too, and it got bad Chat Icon and our pedi referred us to a pediatric urologist, who we saw last year just after Andrew turned one.

When the urologist saw him, he told us he may not be able to separate it in office, and if that was the case, he would have to go to hospital to have the procedure done. Chat Icon He decided to try it in his office, put Emla numbing cream on and that we had to wait 1/2 hour and that was torture on mommy. Well, long story short, he was able to separate it and save us from a hospital visit, but I never want to go through that again! The pediatric urologist told us to use vaseline every diaper change, and that his fat pocket probably won't go away until he's like 5 Chat Icon I can't imagine trying to vaseline his peepee when he's 5!

Posted 5/24/06 6:20 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who have boys

Wow, sounds like this happens alot. I never knew! I think I will start taking care of business to prevent it.

Posted 5/24/06 6:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who have boys

We didn't have this problem, but reading your stories I just wanted to Chat Icon all the little guys!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/06 6:25 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who have boys

Is it strange that my son doesnt have this- he was circumsised as normal and there is no skin to pull back at all BUTmy nephew does have it and his penis goes into his body almost that you cant see it the dr pulled his back but his penis is still sort of hidden. I thought that this was a rare situation yet it seems as if its the norm...

Posted 5/24/06 6:57 PM

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