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Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

I am so sad - I brought Molly to the groomer today. This was her second visit to the groomer - the first one to this particular place. She HATES baths and gets really vicious.

The people at Petsmart said that she was so bad the first time she was groomed so I tried another one today. I warned them about how vicious and nutso she gets---they told me not to worry that they deal with these dogs all the time.

I go to pick up her they said Dr. Jekyl turned into Mr. Hyde. She went crazy again. Now they said to practice putting her on my counter EVERY DAY and brushing her and also holding the hair on her chin.

Does anyone have this problem with their dogs? I feel so sad that she is so bad for these people.

She was SOOOOO mad at me when I picked her up she wouldn't even look at me.

I feel so bad. Sorry - just had to vent.

Message edited 3/25/2006 11:17:55 AM.

Posted 3/24/06 2:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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talk to the hand

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Re: Grooming issues

yes, my mom's maltese is VERY mean when it comes to grooming... he would actually bite Chat Icon
We try to groom him ourselves as much as we can, but we send him to get shaved every few months, just so it's easier for us to deal with him at home.

Sorry! Chat Icon

Posted 3/24/06 3:39 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Grooming issues

We are working on cutting Katies nails. She gets very upset and tries to bite us. We talked to her calmly and give her treats and praise but also will not let her leave until the job is done. I figure that she will eventually learn that whether she likes it or not we are cutting her nails and she's going to get a treat. She used to get really upset with baths at first now she just sits there. Try not to feel bad... she NEEDS to be groomed and hopefully she will get over it.

ETA: Can you give her bathes? Maybe she'll get used to it if it is you. We give Katie a bath 1x a week. We don't have any problems with dry skin.

Message edited 3/24/2006 4:33:54 PM.

Posted 3/24/06 4:32 PM

I'm a mommy :)

Member since 1/06

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Re: Grooming issues

I was going to say, give her a bath weekly. Use a puppy sensitive shampoo with aloe vera and chamomile. Afterwards brush her, dry with blow dryer,take out her eye gookies, Clean her ears,etc....We do this to Rcoky weekly so when he actuallly gets a hair cut at Petco he thinks nothing of it.

Hope everything works out!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/24/06 6:28 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Grooming issues

Thanks everyone. We do give her baths at home. One time she went crazy on us and the others she just wasn't very happy. We will try to do this more often and we have to really start taking care of the eye gook also. Thanks to everyone!!!

Posted 3/24/06 6:35 PM

Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05

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Re: Grooming issues

My Lhasa Apso has a really bad attitude, soI only bring him to the groomer at my vets office this way if he needs to be sedated the vet is right there.

But to tell you the truth, this groomer is so good she never needed to and she has never been bit.

Message edited 3/25/2006 7:57:03 PM.

Posted 3/24/06 8:10 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

Here are pics from after she got groomed.

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 3/25/06 11:19 AM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

Aww.. She looks beautiful!!

Posted 3/25/06 11:51 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

Gizmo hates getting groomed also! WHen we give him a bath, he cries the entire time. My SIL used to be a groomer and groomed him and she said he used to bite the hose the water comes out of and tried to bite the blowdryer alsoChat Icon

She looks so pretty!Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/06 12:15 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

our old dog was very "skitsy" about being groomed...we wound up haivng a lady come to us....she had a van which hooked up to our garden hose and she washed, dried and clipped his nails in there...she was great....i will have to look for her no. if you worked great b/c jack (our old dog!) was in his comfort zone still.....with our new lil guy (he is still a puppy) - we attacked it differently, we regularly wash and groom him ourselves - and clip his nails, he doens't love it, but he doesn't fight us and is used to it....

Posted 3/25/06 2:08 PM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

Adorable! you can see her long eyelashes now, i love them!

Posted 3/26/06 6:44 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

So I brought Molly back to the groomer again today and they couldn't even finish working on her. She was FLIPPING out. Now they want me to bring her there once a week so that she can build a trust with the groomer. One week the groomer may just brush her and give her treats. They next she may clip her nails. Do you guys think this will work?

I could bring her to another groomer all together but I honestly think that she just wants no part of being on that table.

She will cuddle and give the woman love when she is holding her but the second she is on the table she goes nutty.

I am so worried about her from the second I drop her off to the minute I pick her up.

Posted 5/4/06 6:51 PM

You make me happy

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cause you are gray.

Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

Posted by Diana1215

Now they want me to bring her there once a week so that she can build a trust with the groomer. One week the groomer may just brush her and give her treats. They next she may clip her nails. Do you guys think this will work?

If you're going to try that I hope it works out for you.
Bruno has gotten some awful reports from many groomers. We tried 5 or 6 places in Bklyn until we found one that could handle him. We asked what her secret was since everyone else hated him and she said "As soon as he starts acting up, I yell at him the way I yell at my kids".
We moved and were dreading having to find a new groomer that would be able to deal with him but luckily they must intimidate him enough that he doesn't try to eat them too much.
When we pick him up they always say he was fine (we of course asked if they sedate the dogs in advance because it seems some groomers and vet office groomers use that method and say yea, everything's greatChat Icon )

Good LuckChat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 2:26 AM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

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Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

i think that the practice w/ the groomer may help. First time reesie got groomed, they said she was bad, this last time they said she was an a perfect angel. I think once she gets used to it she'll be ok.

BTW - she looks adorable!

Posted 5/5/06 6:46 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

Thanks everyone. I'm hoping that it gets better. They couldn't even finish her and her nails are sooooo long now it's driving me crazy! I'm hoping they cut her nails on Wednesday!!!!!

Posted 5/5/06 11:21 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

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Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

here's a suggestion for the nail clipping...when you go on wednesday bring a blanket or a towel, then wrap her in it, with one paw out, hold her chin up so she can't see what's going on and have the cut the nails on that paw, then do another and're holding her so she knows she's safe, she can't pull away and hurt herself, and she gets used to the feeling of having her nails cut.
the only other suggestion I have is so ask the vet to cut her nails for you...

Posted 5/5/06 11:43 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

Posted by LFitzy79

here's a suggestion for the nail clipping...when you go on wednesday bring a blanket or a towel, then wrap her in it, with one paw out, hold her chin up so she can't see what's going on and have the cut the nails on that paw, then do another and're holding her so she knows she's safe, she can't pull away and hurt herself, and she gets used to the feeling of having her nails cut.
the only other suggestion I have is so ask the vet to cut her nails for you...

That's a good idea with her blanket. I will def. try it!

Posted 5/5/06 12:34 PM

I'm a mommy :)

Member since 1/06

7322 total posts


Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

Diana , good luck with everything!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Out of nowhere, Rocky is getting "vixcious" when grtting groomed latley too.
He loves to take baths at home but now just doesn't like getting groomedChat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 1:30 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

can you bring her when shes tired?? we find it easiet to cut louie's anils after he has sacked out a bit....

Posted 5/6/06 2:04 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

I do - I bring her first thing in the morning and she is so sleepy! It doesn't matter - she still turns into a terror!Chat Icon

Posted 5/6/06 2:18 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: Grooming issues - updated with pix at bottom

We took Peanut to get groomed the first time when she was about 6 months old. And the groomer told me she was terrible. They said she never tried to bite them but she wouldn't hold still and was trying to jump off the table. They told me it took 3 people to get it done! (Peanut was about 4 pounds).

So about 3 months later I called this same groomer to make another appointment and another attempt. I left several messages and eventually gave up. Figuring they just didn't want to deal with her. I took her to Petco and they BUTCHERED her!!!! And it was almost as if she KNEW she looked ugly. I was so upset, s he would just stare at me with these sad eyes.

Anyway, I wound up getting an appointment at place number 1 after that and they told me she had drastically improved. This time it only took 2 people to get it done =)

I'm not sure where you live but I take her to Doggie Style in Copiague on Montauk Hwy. And now they love her. I guess it just took some practice.

Don't give up, I'm sure your pup will get better with time!

Posted 5/6/06 5:59 PM

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