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Babies and cats

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Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

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Babies and cats

I have 2 cats who will lay down or sleep anywhere, our bed, the couch, the dining room table, etc... Just wondering if anyone had a problem keeping their cats out of the crib/bassinette especially if you set it up before there was a baby around.

Posted 3/15/06 9:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Babies and cats

Yup! We have to put the cat downstairs at night so she does not sleep on the baby, youcould also get the baby screen/tent that goes over the crib so that the cat doesn't go in. Be careful, it can really dangerous.

Posted 3/15/06 9:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Babies and cats

I put up baby stuff slowly before I was due. That way Beemer got used to the various new items, without being overwhelmed. I always let her investigate the new stuff...boy was she unhappy when the swing started movingChat Icon . For the most part she didn't care at all. I have never found her sleeping in the crib. She jumped in it maybe 2x when we first put it up. Not a big deal.

She has never once tried to sleep with Molly in the crib or in the bassinet. I do keep Molly's door closed for fire safety at night. But the first 5 months Molly slept next to us and Beemer sleeps on our bed. Never once did we have an issue. Beemer likes to be comfty and being squished with Molly would not be very comfty for her.

I have found her in the basket of the stroller..when I was about to take a walk with Molly. The stroller felt heavier for some reason and then I realized Beemer wanted to come for a stroll tooChat Icon And once I walked into the bedroom to find her cuddled in the car seat fast asleep. it was so cute I took a photo.

But for the most part Beemer has never bothered with the baby stuff..and tries to avoid Molly unless she has food to offer her. Molly, on the hand, wants Beemer to be her best friend.

Message edited 3/15/2006 9:35:59 PM.

Posted 3/15/06 9:33 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Babies and cats

No. my cats never bothered with any of it.

Posted 3/15/06 9:50 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: Babies and cats

We have 3 bengal cats and they are very playful and mischievious (sp?) so we had to keep them in our basement, and they are very happy down there, and so I'm I knowing that they cant jump in my DD crib and bother her when she is playing with her toys. I didnt want to take that chance! Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 10:24 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Babies and cats

We have 2 cats. We started introducing stuff slowly too, and we lined everything with tin foil because we heard they wouldn't like to jump on it (which was bs).

We have forbid them to go on any of the baby stuff, which doesn't work because they do it anyway. But they have never gone in or on anything when she is in it.
The closest they will get to her is when we are holding her, they will come sit with us.

Posted 3/16/06 9:27 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Babies and cats

I have 2 cats and they are not in the least bit remotely interested in this baby. One of the cats won't walk past the baby, so if the baby is on the playmat on the kitchen floor and there is room for the cat to walk around, he will jump over the walking space to avoid the baby. Its hysterical. Once I caught one of the cats in the crib, but after a stern explaining why he can't go in the crib, I never caught him there again.

Message edited 3/16/2006 9:39:48 AM.

Posted 3/16/06 9:34 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Babies and cats

We registered for the little screen tent that goes over the crib to keep our cat out.

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Posted 3/16/06 10:15 AM

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