For Moms with Kids on "table food"...
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/06 606 total posts
Name: Jennifer
For Moms with Kids on "table food"...
How often do you give snacks? (not junk-food, but nutritious snacks) I wonder if I am offering them enough.
Also, if you have any great snack ideas that your kids like, pass them along..
Posted 5/23/06 3:09 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: For Moms with Kids on "table food"...
At school, they get a mid morning snack & an afternoon snack
Could be anything from raisins, cheese & crackers, apple wedges & cheese, applesauce...i could go on & on or if you want I can just get the menu in my car & post
During the weekends, they have one snack about 3pm. That's because one of them eats minimum 3 breakfasts and the other eats dinner like she'll never eat again.
Posted 5/23/06 4:23 PM |
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Member since 5/05 5909 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: For Moms with Kids on "table food"...
I give my son bananas, apples, cheese, Gerber graduate cookies &cereal bars puffs and wagon wheels, whole grain goldfish crackers, sugar free jello, fat free frozen yogurt
eta: He will get a snack between 4 and 5 to hold over until dinner
Message edited 5/23/2006 4:33:09 PM.
Posted 5/23/06 4:32 PM |
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Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: For Moms with Kids on "table food"...
I will give my DD gold fish, fruit, yogart, jello, pedialite ice pops, gerber crackers, the gerber puffs and wagon wheels, gerber fruit snacks, raisins, she likes cereal bars, and fig newtons there is probably other things as well but I can't think
Posted 5/23/06 4:38 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: For Moms with Kids on "table food"...
For awhile he was getting two snacks a day but now he sleeps later so less hours to fill so we are down to one big snack time. Usually around 4/5ish (we eat dinner at 7:30ish).
typical snacks include cheese and crackers, applesauce, yogurt, yogurt smoothie drinks, goldfish, wagon wheels, fruit (he isn't big on fruit unless it is baby food), cookies, rice cakes, etc. Sometimes fruit - he has been know to beg for green beans for a snack.
During the day, I give him so cheerios/dry cereal, puffs, sugar wafers, pretzels, cheese doodles and things like that in between meals if he seems hungry and I want to hold him off or I use them as tools to help change his diaper since he resists that so much!
Message edited 5/23/2006 4:42:52 PM.
Posted 5/23/06 4:42 PM |
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