Has Your Cat Ever Caught a Mouse????
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 1/06 560 total posts
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Has Your Cat Ever Caught a Mouse????
Callie (16 year old calico) was so proud of herself for catching a mouse but it totally freaked me out.
Posted 3/12/06 10:10 AM |

Member since 5/05 13736 total posts
Re: Has Your Cat Ever Caught a Mouse????
My dog did once!!!
Posted 3/12/06 10:15 AM |
I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Has Your Cat Ever Caught a Mouse????
When Gunnar was allowed outside, he used to catch them all the time! He loves to play with them and torment them. Eventually he'll kill them, an dusually would eat half of the mouse and leave the rest for us to find .
One time (this is my all time favorite story) he brought the half-eaten mouse into the house, and my mother picked it up, thinking it was a strawberry he'd taken out of the garbage. It was very early in the morning and she'd just woken up....so she wasn't thinking clearly.
since he's been inside, thankfully, he hasn't found any!
Posted 3/12/06 11:23 AM |
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