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Mommies that work from home

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I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Mommies that work from home

Just curious, since I will never have that option as a teacher.

What do you do?

How does it work, when you work from home? Do you have certain hours that you must be on the computer? How does your company know you are putting in your time?? How do you get your work done with your DC at home??

Sorry to be nosy, but it seems like it would be hard but yet the best of both worlds.

Posted 8/28/06 11:11 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies that work from home

I work PT form home for my company, but really haven't done anything since Lauren was born in May. I get assignments and they tell me when I need to have it back to them. Then its up to me to get it done when I can, and that usually means its at night after they go to bed. It's usually never more than 20 hours a week, so its really just piece meal work. I bill my company for the amount of hours it took me to complete the assignment. I am not sure if I will continue to work now that I have 2.

Message edited 8/28/2006 11:16:10 AM.

Posted 8/28/06 11:15 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

I wok from home about 13 hours a week. I do the bookkeeping for the company I worked for before I had Jake. What hey do is fax me copies of checks that come in and I log onto theie system and enter them. Then 1 day a week I go into the office for 2 hours ay bills and go through my folders and mail. It really works out great. Jake naps from 10-12 and that is when I do my work.

Posted 8/28/06 11:43 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

I work from home 2 days a week, and go into the office 3 days.

I am Business Admin. I work as a consultant for a large financial house - Basically, I bill them for our services, run all kinds of reports - stuff like that. Everything is done over email.

Posted 8/28/06 12:18 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

I was working from home 2 days a week up until Feburary of this year. Personally I found it impossible once my son was say 6 months or so and didn't want to be on a play mat or bouncer seat anymore. I was a IT Manager/Systems ADministrator. I have a job where during business hours I need to be available and I have a certain amount of project work that needs to be done. I didn't have child care while I was doing this. It really stressed me out and if I had child care -it would have been easier or I would have just went to the office. I wasn't giving 100% to work or my son and it really was difficult to adjust to. I did a lot of work late hours after my son went to sleep - like 10pm but it was hard because not all my work coud wait until 9-10pm.

When I accepted the work from home - I thought it would be incredible - for me - it was more stressful than leaving my son. I would say you need child care if you plan on doing this - unless you child is super independent or the job doesn't care when you do your work and you are ok with doing work on off hours.

Message edited 8/28/2006 1:11:03 PM.

Posted 8/28/06 1:10 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

I just started my new job that is a work from home position. I work for an insurance company handling injury claims.
I have to go into the office usually 1x per week. I cannot get anything done while DS is awake so my mom is going start watching him when DH goes back to work next week. He is good baby, just very distracting. If I didnt have my mom, I would have to do all my work when is he is sleeping, so during his naps (which last between 2-3 hours 2x per day) and when he goes to bed at night (around 9pm). So you can see that my working hours are very flexible, I just have to get the work done.

Posted 8/28/06 1:34 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

Posted by dottiemchugh

I just started my new job that is a work from home position. I work for an insurance company handling injury claims.
I have to go into the office usually 1x per week. I cannot get anything done while DS is awake so my mom is going start watching him when DH goes back to work next week. He is good baby, just very distracting. If I didnt have my mom, I would have to do all my work when is he is sleeping, so during his naps (which last between 2-3 hours 2x per day) and when he goes to bed at night (around 9pm). So you can see that my working hours are very flexible, I just have to get the work done.

HOLY COW 2-3 hour naps twice a day I"M JEALOUS!

Posted 8/28/06 2:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

I do my old job from home on a part time basis. I design/run incentive programs for my marketing clients. So far so good. I've committed to 20 hours a week, but very rarely do I come close to working that much. But the great thing is I'm a salaried employee, so if I get it done in 5 hours I still get paid for 20 hours. It is not easy especially since my clients have no idea I only work part time AND with a toddler running around. But my cover hasn't been blown yet!Chat Icon

Jack is almost 2 and can entertain himself for good chunks of time plus his afternoon nap allows me to get things done. Or I do it on the evenings and weekends. My boss doesn't care when it gets done as long as it gets done and I check email throughout the day.

Posted 8/28/06 8:58 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

WOW I can imagine how stressful it could be to try to manage watching/ caring your child and getting your job done! I give you all A LOT of credit!!! But it is nice to see that more companies are allowing this option since you all seem to work in different fields. It's nice to know the option is there and that you can give it a shot.

Posted 8/28/06 10:10 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

Before I went out on maternity my co. set me up at home to be able to handle certain things from home during my "maternity leave" - They really didn't bother me at all for 6 weeks, then I worked VERY limited hours for 3 months. Beyond that is when it was time to discuss coming back to work I told my boss I would not leave my son and he said "why should you its working out with you home so stay there" Chat Icon
So its been that way ever since...

I'd say I do 20 hours a week, computer work mostly at night (just wrapping up now Chat Icon ) and when Aidan naps.
But I can handle some phone calls during the day.

I do bookkeeping, payroll, project mgmt, bills, basically all office mgmt (ummm everything) and take care of all his personal items and properties.

It sounds like alot but I get it done. Right now the insurance audits are the only thing kicking my butt Chat Icon

I go to the "office" maybe once a month and bring Aidan if I have to. I'd like to go more to get rid of alot of paperwork I accumulate here.

I really am thankful to be able to do this! Chat Icon

Message edited 8/30/2006 1:21:34 AM.

Posted 8/30/06 1:19 AM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

Posted by MrsBumbleb

Posted by dottiemchugh

I just started my new job that is a work from home position. I work for an insurance company handling injury claims.
I have to go into the office usually 1x per week. I cannot get anything done while DS is awake so my mom is going start watching him when DH goes back to work next week. He is good baby, just very distracting. If I didnt have my mom, I would have to do all my work when is he is sleeping, so during his naps (which last between 2-3 hours 2x per day) and when he goes to bed at night (around 9pm). So you can see that my working hours are very flexible, I just have to get the work done.

HOLY COW 2-3 hour naps twice a day I"M JEALOUS!

I am still amazed that this child sleeps at night sometimes with how much he sleeps in the day.

Posted 8/30/06 1:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

Posted by chmlengr

I work PT form home for my company, but really haven't done anything since Lauren was born in May. I get assignments and they tell me when I need to have it back to them. Then its up to me to get it done when I can, and that usually means its at night after they go to bed.

I freelance, so this is how it goes for me.

Posted 8/30/06 3:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Mommies that work from home

I work now at the same position I had before DD was born. I am an exec assistant / business manager. I have a laptop, cell phone, copier/ fax machine so I can basically work from anywhere. I do have to go into the office a couple of days a week to pick stuff up and drop things off but thats not a problem. ITs a home office there too and no other employees.

I do EVERYTHING....the people I work for are ex consultants and are now into buying properties, yachts etc etc...they travel a lot..are pretty demanding but on the same level very understanding about my situation and I dont have to work a set 9-5..I email them sometimes at 11.00 at night!

Its pretty tough sometimes trying to keep everything dd is getting more active now and demands more attention from me. I did have a mothers helper for the summer but she goes back to school next week so I wil be pretty screwed.

It does affect my relationship with my DH as I work late in the evening sometimes to get up to date. But for now we are doing what we need to do to continue to live where we do and pay the mortgage!

I work a 40 hour week as well as take care of my 6 1/2 month old and clean, do laundry and everything else a mom does...the only thing I dont do is cook as I suck at it and DH likes to Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 3:58 PM

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