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Not sleeping

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

573 total posts


Not sleeping

My son is just over 3 weeks old. After I bf him, instead of going to sleep, he just cries and cries. I feel like he barely sleeps during the day. I know he's getting food, because he has lots of dirty and wet diapers and he's gaining weight. I thought babies his age were supposed to sleep most of the day. I'm worried that something's wrong.

Posted 3/14/06 9:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Not sleeping

does he seem ot be in pain? Could it be reflux, an allergy, thrush? How amny diapers per day is he having?
OR.. maybe he is overstimulated and needs to be swaddled and left alone, this is what my son needed, thank god for my Mom she came up with this schedule, I fed him for 20-30 min, I burped him and then he got swaddled tight and put into his sleeper in a semi upright position. Chat Icon Chat Icon

p.s- 3 weeks is usually one of the toughest times IMO

Posted 3/14/06 10:28 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Not sleeping

Posted by emilain
p.s- 3 weeks is usually one of the toughest times IMO

I agree, Bella slept for her first couple of weeks and then for a few days when she was three weeks old there was no consoling her. She had gas and her little body was going through all sorts of growth that we needed to adjust to her...

I remember sitting in the park after she had cried all morning and just thinking of what a terrible mother I was going to be. After those few days, I learned to read her a little better and things got a million times better!

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Hope things get better!

Posted 3/14/06 1:02 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: Not sleeping

Chat Icon Chat Icon It will get better

Def try the swaddling!

Posted 3/14/06 3:00 PM

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