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Opinions Needed Please.....(updated for dm24)

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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Opinions Needed Please.....(updated for dm24)

Most of you know my story --- pg. naturally last March, miscarried end of April, no know cause.

Finally, got blood work done and found to have FSH of 12.7. OB wanted to put me on chlomid, I ran to an RE. RE wants me to do IVF, which insurance does not cover. So, I have taken the classes and done the paperwork and even paid for the whole procedure. I should get AF tomorrow or next day (my luteal phase has increased with the progesteron suppositories, it seems), and begin the meds. immediately to go to IFV. Now...

I am thinking...of not doing the IVF cycle yet. I know this is something I have to discuss with DH, and my acupuncturist, and my RE. Just wanted to get insight from people who have been through IVF.

I am going for acupuncture treatments weekly, sometimes bi-weekly. Maybe with this, the progesterone supplmentes, change in diet.... and other ideas I am getting from the books I am reading, perhaps we can get pregnant on our own since we did the first time (last March). I will be 40 in August so it is late, but at the same time I kind of feel like putting it of for another cycle or 2 wouldn't make much of a difference at this point... except possibly getting us pg naturally.

I admit, I am also scared of all the drugs. Also it seems that the success rates for IVF aren't even that great for my age. I see lots of women who have gone through the whole process, only to wind up with another BFN. It makes me wonder if this is the right decision. The $ is not an issue - if we do it ONCE. But if it didn't work...we would have to start taking out loans.

So if anyone has any comments or advice I would love to hear it... thanks for listening!! Chat Icon

Message edited 1/19/2006 12:14:44 PM.

Posted 1/16/06 4:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

My only concern and I cant voice more then this because Im not that knowledgable is that IVF success rates are much lower when you have a high FSH count.
My highest was 11.6 and at my new RE at NSUH she statesd this is an OK level to "consider" IVF being Im 30, she said word for word " We would not consider IVF if you were 40". Thats why Im a little shocked they ( RE) feels this is a good next step for you. ALTHOUGH, Im NO I cant base too much on what one dr has said to me, you need to listen to your Drs first of course.

I can tell you her rationale was that the IVF would not only be not as successful but with a higher M/C rate. She stated that with higher FSH level, not only do you have fewer eggs left but the quality is much poorer as well. The body may be able to better fertilize it naturally, thne when you take it out and fertilize it...the fragility of the eggs with hih FSH is a huge factor in whether an IVF would be an option.

I had not heard this before, but I did some online research and read similair things. Some grants, reserach studies, and places with IVF subsidies have a FSH cut off of 12 .

Have you been able to get any statistics from the RE about your chances?

I love how when you intially go they almost always quote a close to 50% chance....Well when I asked my new RE for her honest opinion of our IVF success rates ( which categories etc) She said about 25% considering my issues... This floored me because I was thinking it was MUCH higher. It has made all the difference in the world in us NOT going the IVF route. With Things like you siad acupuncture, we could increase our natural success rates to almost higher then that.

Anyway, I know that I jumped around, but I hope I gave you something to consider if you decided to not do the IVF.

I think you should speak to your DR. ASAP if you have ANY concerns though. DONT cancel without serious thought and discussion.

Good luck whatever you decide! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/16/06 4:49 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Thanks Donna... definitely some food for thought...... I am going to try to make an appt. with the RE and discuss...ALthough I thought that IVF was much more successful than IUI, I never read that about the IVF not being so great with high FSH. Interesting.

Posted 1/16/06 4:53 PM

1 year already!!

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Hi Kara,
I just thought I would share my experience only with IVF. I like you have high FSH, in fact I wasn't allowed to cycle unless my FSH was below 12 which I got it too. Anyway, after starting the meds it turns out I'm a poor responder (I never got enough follies from all the meds) to continue. This happened to me in 2 cycles and both were cancelled and converted to IUIs, which were both BFNs.

I like you am self pay so I know what an undertaking this all is. I def. think you should read Inconceivable, it really is so inspiring and about a woman in her 40s with high FSH that conceived naturally with diet, exercise, etc.

If you've already paid why don't you just postpone it for a while. Something to also look into is natural cycle IVF, (you can check that out here SIRM or see bottom of post for the other site
[I was not successful with the meds at all and I all got were some black & blues, mood swings, and extra weight Chat Icon

I wish you much luck in whatever you and DH decide. I hope you find what works best for you. It's really a personal decision. It's great that we have this board because we do get to see all sides of this - those that got BFPs from IVF and those that haven't yet
IMO I would do more research and experimenting on my own before IVF, you need to give your body at least 3 months to see if the changes (diet, acu, exercise) are working.

new hope

Message edited 1/16/2006 5:22:52 PM.

Posted 1/16/06 5:22 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

I dont know alot about FSH. What I can add is that I was so afraid of IVF and it really was so simple (physically). Emotionally it (mostly this last week) is probably the most emotionally taxing thing I have ever done. Good luck with your decision.

Posted 1/16/06 8:04 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Kara - I haven't gone through the IVF process so I am of little help there.

It seems as if you have thought the whole process out and want to go ahead with a couple of more natural cycles. It seems like a good plan, especially when you have gotten pregnant on your own and just recently. Can you request an IUI too? That might help although I don't know how much, if any, it increases your chances.

Best of luck with whatever your decision is. I'm sure you will find the one that is right for you.

Posted 1/17/06 2:04 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Thank you all so much.... of course I had FMd Michelle Redstar before I even posted this, lol. I spoke with my acupuncturist last night, and with DH. DH will do whatever I want but he plans to enforce the diet and excercise (I had a cigarette at a wedding a few weeks ago and he won't let me forget it!!). So I will be eating mostly organic and healthy food, no alcohol, excercising every day, acupuncture and amma massage. I also plan to get another blood test done as they say FSH levels can vary from cycle to cycle, and to see if I have been able to get it down at all. I will requeste more progesterone supplements for my next cycle.

Temps went way down today, so like Mick I am "... just waiting on AF".

Tomorrow I have an appt. with my RE to discuss my decision and to get his input, although I have a feeling I know what the answer will be. But, it is my decision in the end and I am pretty decided that this cycle I will continue to research...and try one more time (and not screw up my CBFM!!) to get preggers naturally.

Thanks ladies, you are all da best! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 1/17/2006 2:29:55 PM.

Posted 1/17/06 2:28 PM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

3360 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Congrats Kara!

I think you should def. give your body a chance first.

I'm going to look into that Amma massage, that sounds pretty good.

Posted 1/17/06 3:15 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Donna, I know a place in New Hyde Park if you are interested...just let me know!!

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Posted 1/17/06 3:28 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Kara- I am in awe of your motivation!

I think it is great that you are doing so much research. I guess see what your RE says but, in the end, a few cycles naturally really can't hurt. If anything, the way you are taking care of yourself should only make the IVF in the future more successful, if it comes to that.

Congratulations on your motivation and your knowledge. Whether naturally or with IVF I am praying for a healthy baby for you.
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Posted 1/17/06 3:42 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

OMGosh Ariella I have to tell motivation and knowledge come from the WOMEN ON THIS BOARD more than from anywhere else!!!! But thank you that was sweet...

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Posted 1/17/06 3:47 PM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Posted by karacg

Donna, I know a place in New Hyde Park if you are interested...just let me know!!

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Definitely Kara! Please post here or FM me.


Posted 1/17/06 3:48 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Meri is the woman who gives the Amma massage...

Posted 1/17/06 3:57 PM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

3360 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Posted by karacg

Meri is the woman who gives the Amma massage...

Thanks Kara! I'm def. going to check it out

Posted 1/17/06 4:02 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

I wish I knew what to say Kara.
I dont know much about FSH levels.
I just want to wish you all the best with whatever path you choose, because it will follow you to a BFP soonChat Icon

Posted 1/17/06 4:07 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Good luck whatever you ultimately decide Kara.

I would be interested if you speak to the DR to see if they mention the lower IVF success rates and higher M/C rates like mine did.

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Posted 1/17/06 6:43 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Kara, best of luck with your decision!

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Posted 1/17/06 6:47 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Opinions Needed Please.....

Donna (dm) -- I asked my Dr. about egg quality with high FSH and if IVF was really the best. Interesting question....He said that high FSH shows I have less eggs, but it doesn't nec. indicate poor quality, just low quantity. When we do the u/s this cycle he should have a better idea. We discussed natural IVF, IUI, and the IVF originially planned. Waiting to see my numbers this time, hopefully my FSH will have gone down a bit. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/06 12:06 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....(updated for dm24)

Kara, I don't know much about IVF so I just want to wish you luck with your decision and send you baby dust!

Posted 1/19/06 12:21 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Opinions Needed Please.....(updated for dm24)

Wishing you the best of luck with whichever way you decide to go!!! Lots of baby dust to you!!!

Posted 1/19/06 12:30 PM

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