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symptoms of an ear infection?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

525 total posts


symptoms of an ear infection?

Are there any symptoms, besides tugging at the ear?

Posted 9/29/05 9:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: symptoms of an ear infection?

Not eating as much (sucking hurts). If this helps ear infections are one of the most misdiagnosed illnesses in babies & children. My pediatrican explained that having fluid in your ear is completely normal, it's when the fluid becomes infected that's the issue. Babies are more likely to have fluid buildup (but not an infection) partly because they are drinking on a 45 degree angle, are laying down most of the time. Belly time & feeding the baby in a more upright position helps it.

To alleviate pain, you can put a warm washcloth on the ear & rub gently downward on the lump behind their earlobe. It helps with the draining.

Posted 9/29/05 10:02 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

317 total posts


Re: symptoms of an ear infection?

sometimes babies get a runny nose and fever with ear infections.

Posted 9/29/05 10:02 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

525 total posts


Re: symptoms of an ear infection?

Thanks ladies. I think he may have one. There seems to be a lot of wax in his ears lately and he's been really tugging at one of them.

Posted 9/29/05 10:10 AM


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: symptoms of an ear infection?

Jenna got several ear infections her first year-very frustrating (they also say hereditary plays a large part and I always got ear infections as a baby too).
Anyway-her usual symptoms were tugging at ears, crying when I went to change her diaper (it hurt to lay flat), runny nose, fever, not eating well.
Be careful especially after a cold because they usually run hand in hand.
Feel better baby!

Posted 9/29/05 10:14 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: symptoms of an ear infection?

Caiden had 8 ear infections. 1 every month. It was horrible! He ended up getting tubes in his ears. That was the best thing we could of done.

His symptoms were the tugging of course, he didn't want to drink out of a bottle or cup, whiney throughout the day, sometimes a fever. Also, everytime he had an infection he had a cold.

Good luck!

Oh... the meds that my son liked for an ear infection was Omnicef. I got it flavored Orange Cream at CVS and he would cry for more after his dose.

Message edited 9/29/2005 10:22:48 AM.

Posted 9/29/05 10:22 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: symptoms of an ear infection?

marissa got a few of them when she was cutting a tooth and she would tug on her ear and rub her ear more then usual she would be very cranky and wouldn't want to eat that much or take her bottle or binky

Posted 9/29/05 10:51 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

525 total posts


Re: symptoms of an ear infection?

Thanks.. It does sound like he has one from what you are describing. We have a check up tomorrow so I am going to mention it to the dr. They can tell just by looking in his ear if there is an infection right???

Posted 9/29/05 11:48 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: symptoms of an ear infection?

yes they can they might give you ear drops depending on how bad it is. Is he teething cuz that might be the cuz of it and when marissa is teething I usually give her oragel and some motrin to help with the pain

Posted 9/29/05 11:56 AM

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