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TMI info... poor DH!

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


TMI info... poor DH!

I feel really bad. I keep promising my DH that we can spend "quality" time together after my son goes to sleep, but everynight I pass out. He doesn't go to bed until 9:30pm and when he does I sit on the couch to relax for a minute, but then it's lights out for me. I pass out sooooo quick. Also, as soon as I get him to bed I just all of a sudden feel so tired and need to sit. I'm up at 6:00am with him get him ready for school, go to work all day, pick him up, take care of him and the dogs, clean, laundry, get him into bed and then I'm just exhausted by the time we have "our time" together. I know he's really upset that it happens all the time, but I just can't help it. It's not done on purpose, but I know it upsets him a lot. Also, at night I'm not feeling too great either. That's when my body has been getting tired/achy and I've been getting bad gas pains at night which I can't do anything. What should I do? I really want to spend the intimate time with him but I can't seem to stay awake?

Posted 7/11/06 9:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: TMI info... poor DH!

I completely know what you're feeling. We're in the same boat. I just can't find enough energy to do the deed. My DH was upset in the beginning. Now he seems to deal with it and fall asleep before I do.Chat Icon
My other issue..since you brought up the gas pains...I get them too and sometimes they come on during sex.Chat Icon Sorry for the TMI. But this makes me not want to do it too! HOw embarrassing and I can't tell him the real reason.
The things we go through for our little peanuts.Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 9:35 AM

Love my Babes

Member since 8/05

5889 total posts


Re: TMI info... poor DH!

Maybe go out for a night. Can your son sleep at a grandparents house? Go out to dinner, hang out afterwards, then sleep a little in the morning. One good night out goes a long way.

Posted 7/11/06 9:37 AM

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