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question... still no AF, but maybe TMI

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


question... still no AF, but maybe TMI

AF was due on 11-30, must have taken 10 tests by now all negatives. the other day i thought I had some spotting and then it disppeared, can it be maybe AF is going to show up in the next few days. ( I think I might have Ovulated late... 12-2 to be exact when I had that side pain when you ovulate, and the usual spotting.) Sorry if TMI, but you are the only ones I can "talk" to about this. I had a lot of clear CM on 12-2-05 then it slowly went away and now hardly any... what are the chances AF is showing up with all of this... I am sorry again, i am a usual 26-28 dayer lilke clockwork..........I usually do not want AF to show, but at this point she is very welcome ....... Sometimes I have even convinced myself I have some horrible thing wrong with me sometime as I am not used to being so late.(Ps I think I might have had a cyst ,my body is very prone to cysts ,I had some red blood and then it went away a few weeks ago, and I was also stressed out big time this month from my MIL who was driving me nuts! Again, sorry if TMI. I just need some input and reassurance..............

Message edited 12/12/2005 2:46:43 PM.

Posted 12/12/05 2:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: question... still no AF, but maybe TMI

stress can delay ovulation, and if you ovulated 12/2, there still could be a chance of AF coming.

If i was you and i didn't get AF by this weekend, I would go to the dr and check to see if I had cysts or something else wrong, of course if the pg test came back negative again.

I hope everything is okayChat Icon

Posted 12/12/05 3:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: question... still no AF, but maybe TMI


Posted 12/12/05 5:11 PM

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