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Transitioning to Crib Question

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Transitioning to Crib Question

Do I put her in her crib awake and let her cry?

Do I let her fall asleep in my arms and put her in the crib? What happens if she wakes up the second I put her down? Let her cry?

Or should I continue to try to nap her in the crib when we are home and let her co-sleep for a few more months??

Posted 2/21/06 9:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

Good luck Shana! Katie cries 2-10 minutes after I put her down, whether it is bed time or nap time. This is a huge issue here! Please let me know what works for you, we need serious help.

Just wanted to add for you- if you want to fix it, do it now before it is too late! (although I have no idea how!)

I do not feel comfortable letting Katie cry, especially so young. She is 12 weeks today.

Message edited 2/21/2006 9:39:22 AM.

Posted 2/21/06 9:38 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

I put Hayley down when she is half asleep and she gets swaddled at night. She opens her eyes and laughs at me but as soon as I put on her lullabye music and swaddle her she is dozing off again. I have been doing this since she was about 2 months old.

Posted 2/21/06 9:53 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

Leaving a baby to cry it out isn't generally recommended until the baby is four months old. But that doesn't mean you have to let her co-sleep if you don't want to.

I'd try to get her used to a swaddle in your bed for a few nights, so that you can then put her swaddled in the crib, so the transition isn't so different for her.

If swaddle doesn't work, I'd go for pick up/put down -- meaning, if she cries pick her up, and as soon as she starts to settle put her down again.

In the end, you should do what you are comfortable with!

Posted 2/21/06 10:22 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

At around 2.5-3 months we transitioned Emily into the crib, because we wanted her to feel comfortable sleeping in it once we moved out and she had her own room. We knew her crib wasn't fitting in our tiny bedroom at the new apartment!

I always feed her the last bottle of the day before I put her down. We have a whole bedtime routine that happens first, that includes bath, lotion/massage, getting all dressed in her PJs, some books, and then the last bottle of the day.

She usually falls esleep from the bottle but wakes up when it's time to burp. Once she's burped I put her to bed awake or not. I just lay her in the bed, give her her "girl" (little dolly) to hug because she likes to be gripping something -- and if it's not the doll it's me!, give her the paccie and rub her head. I usually say it's bedtime, time to go to sleep, i love you, and then leave the room. She usually goes right to bed but sometimes I have to go in there 2-3 times if she whines a little bit before she falls esleep.

When I do go in I dont take her back out unless she's HYSTERICAL. Usually she just whines a little bit. But instead I just rub her head a little bit and that relaxes her.

I hope this helps. I don't know if it will work for you but it is working here SO well.

Posted 2/21/06 10:33 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

Shana, I'm with you on this crib issue. I dont know how to get jacob in it at night, and out of his carseat. I try to put him in for naps in the crib during the day and i get max 45 min. Last night i tried the crib at bedtime, and i got literally 5 min before he was up crying.. i picked him up, soothed him and put him in his carseat, and he slept for 7 hrs in the carseat. I feel like my son will be 16 and still in his carseat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/06 12:39 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

Posted by CheeChee

Shana, I'm with you on this crib issue. I dont know how to get jacob in it at night, and out of his carseat. I try to put him in for naps in the crib during the day and i get max 45 min. Last night i tried the crib at bedtime, and i got literally 5 min before he was up crying.. i picked him up, soothed him and put him in his carseat, and he slept for 7 hrs in the carseat. I feel like my son will be 16 and still in his carseat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

My sister had a similar problem except her daughter slept in her b ouncy seat. Eventually it got uncomfortable and she was ready to sleep in her crib. She continued to try to ger her in the crib first but ended up in the seat in the end. Your son will definitely let you know when he's ready to move out of his carseat.

Posted 2/21/06 1:54 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

I transitioned to the crib for nighttime sleeping at 1 month. Put him down awake and he would fuss for a bit and then go to sleep. The fussing stopped completely after a couple of days of napping well.

Unfortuantely, we didn't transition to the crib for naps until recently (what were we thinking waiting so long!!) and it's been hard to get him to sleep for his third and final nap of the day. The thing that helps the most is his FP Aquarium. It keeps him engrossed long enough and soothes him until he falls asleep. We use it at night too. I highly recommend it!!

Posted 2/21/06 1:59 PM

My Everything

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Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

At her age I personally would not let her cry. Miranda is almost 5 months old and for the most part I can put her down awake and she falls asleep without crying. If she cries I immediately go to her because I feel that if she normally falls asleep withouth crying then she is crying for a reason.
She isn't in the crib yet though. She's still in her hammock in our room so I can't offer advice specifically on the crib.
You know I will say to keep cosleeping if its working for everyone. If you aren't getting sleep then you need to come up with plan B.

Posted 2/21/06 3:01 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

ty all for your advice. our issue is Aly likes a warm body to fall asleep on. As soon as i put her down, she wakes up,

Maybe i should not pick her up out of the crib right away.

I love cosleeping with her, but she sleeps on my arms and it hurts so much. I also miss cuddling with DH.

Does anyone know if those little beds that go in your bed work? (first years makes one)

Posted 2/21/06 6:11 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

Posted by btrflygrl

ty all for your advice. our issue is Aly likes a warm body to fall asleep on. As soon as i put her down, she wakes up,

Maybe i should not pick her up out of the crib right away.

I love cosleeping with her, but she sleeps on my arms and it hurts so much. I also miss cuddling with DH.

Does anyone know if those little beds that go in your bed work? (first years makes one)

We used a snuggle nest and it worked for a while but I think you'll run into the same warm body vs. cold surface issue.
I know what you mean about your arm, it is quite painful and I feel like I messed up my shoulder a bit from doing it.
Could you let her fall asleep on you and then move her between you and DH. What my friend did was make her DD her own bed between them by folding up sheets to raise her above them so they could not roll on her. It wasn't real high or anything but just enough. This might be cheaper than spending $50 on the snuggle nest.
Will she let you swaddle her all the way? Maybe that will help her not feel the coolness of another surface.

Posted 2/21/06 6:56 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: Transitioning to Crib Question

I still let Melanie co-sleep with us, she is 7 months. She probably won't be in her crib at night until she is 1 year old. I don't like it when she cries, and I personally think she is still too little to not be held and cuddled at this age.

Posted 2/21/06 9:14 PM

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