Would love some food suggestions
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LIF Infant
Member since 7/05 60 total posts
Name: Ariana
Would love some food suggestions
Hi all -
I was active on liweddings a few years ago, and have only recently emerged from a morning-sickness induced fog to begin posting here. I remember how helpful and supportive everyone was with respect to wedding planning, and wanted to ask for some help on food suggestions.
I'm 29.5 weeks, have had morning sickness all the way through, started getting heartburn a few weeks (months?) ago, and while I passed my 3-hour glucose I was on the high side (and have a family history of diabetes and GD), so my OB wants me to watch my sugar intake. Problem is, the foods that help curb nausea (carbs) tend to be sugary. And the foods I enjoy (spicy, chocolate) tend to cause heartburn. There are certain foods I know I can't cut out - e.g., I need gatorade to rehydrate after I'm sick even though it's sugary. But I was wondering if you could help me brainstorm some foods - esp. for lunch and snacks - that might fit the bill. So far I've been eating a lot of grilled chicken...
Many thanks!
Posted 6/9/06 10:56 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Would love some food suggestions
Just a suggestion about the Gatordae, why don't you cut it with water to dilute some of the sugar, that's what I do to keep the calories down.
Posted 6/9/06 10:58 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 7/05 60 total posts
Name: Ariana
Re: Would love some food suggestions
That's a great idea - I think a friend may have suggested that a while back, but with "pregnesia," I had totally forgotten. Thanks!
Posted 6/9/06 11:24 AM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Would love some food suggestions
what about whole wheat type products?
I had GD and for breakfast I ate slice of whole wheat toast with a string cheese - I'd melt the cheese on it. Cheese and whole wheat crackers were on of my snack foods.
Peanut butter (low carb Jif) on wheat crackers or rice cakes or on a small apple
Fm me if you want more ideas.
Posted 6/9/06 2:36 PM |
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