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SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

I am going to need a new ob/Gyn, the one I went to RUINED my vacation.... he told me to call him ASAP while I was away, he left a message on my phone, and I had checked it from where we were. He told me I needed to call him ASAP. I was FREAKING out, he refused to get on the phone and then finally got on after 20 minutes and 2 calls later. It turns out I had a microscopic amount of blood in my urine. I had gone for a UTI originally because my reg doctor was away. I should see a uriologist.Mind you this doctor did not ask me if I was MIDCYCLE- hello an ob/gyn smudges me off and does not ask this- and I was midcycle and spotting from it- Then the docotor was VERY abrupt with me and threw me off the phone. AF showed up a few days later and I put it together that I was ovulating when I took the test. So, Now I am paranoid he is going to call again- and tell me something else- when I asked about my pap, he was like- no, it has not come back yet... hello 3 weeks later, and no news is good news?! Chat Icon Then get this one ladies- I told him at the exam I was nervous I have never seen a male ob/gyn before and he said-
"Like the pizza box- you've tried the rest, now try the best!".
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon PS I never got to relax on this well needed vacation the right way!

Message edited 9/4/2006 8:56:57 AM.

Posted 9/4/06 8:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

Definitely time for a new doctor - sounds like this one had no bedside manner with you. Hey I saw one Endo who didn't look at my blood or my old chart and told me - "if you look at a concentration camp you don't see one person with a metabolism problem and the rest skinny - no they are all skinny - you just need to eat a lot less - eat 600 calories a day and do 1-2 hours of exercise and you will lose weight"Chat Icon Chat Icon

Who is this OB/GYN?

There are plenty people on here who like their dr's so it shouldn't be hard to find a new one asap

Posted 9/4/06 9:13 AM

Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05

1610 total posts


Re: SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

I am so sorry to hear that. What area are you looking? My regular OB/GYN is in Deer Park and his name is Dr. Pillitari he is great and so is his entire staff but there are times when the wait in his office is ridiculous.

Posted 9/4/06 9:49 AM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

Posted by LIPrincess

I am so sorry to hear that. What area are you looking? My regular OB/GYN is in Deer Park and his name is Dr. Pillitari he is great and so is his entire staff but there are times when the wait in his office is ridiculous.

I used to go to him, and had the same problem! Too long a wait!

Posted 9/4/06 10:07 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

127 total posts


Re: SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

I'd storm into his office with a pizza box to slam over his head Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Make a big stink and let everyone in the office know how he treated you

Posted 9/4/06 10:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

Posted by Wishing2bMomSoon

I'd storm into his office with a pizza box to slam over his head Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Make a big stink and let everyone in the office know how he treated you

You made me laugh!Chat Icon The thought occured to me while I was away to go in with a pizza box! Thank you for all of your support thru this horrible time with this situation. I am going to def. report him to my insurance comapny, he billed for things that were not done too! My DH who has been wonderful thru this, told me he does not want our babies born thru this practice, he said being pregnant is stressful enough, you are not going to be more stressed with this moron!

Posted 9/4/06 11:02 AM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

Who are you using so I dont give you the same name - FM if you want

Posted 9/4/06 8:29 PM


Member since 8/06

2818 total posts


Re: SO ANGRY.... IN NEED of a good OB/GYN! With GOOD bedside manner!

I go to All Island OB/GYN in Garden City....the OB/GYN is a man....but he only sees you when you are pregnant.....but i have heard nothing but great things about him. I see Karen the nurse every visit and she is AWESOME.

Message edited 9/6/2006 10:39:36 AM.

Posted 9/5/06 2:43 PM

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