what would you do? work related.
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soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
what would you do? work related.
i posted this on the pregnancy board too:
I'm kinda stuck right now on what I should do.
I want to get pg this year, but i'm concerned about work.. Right now i work in a small crappy office about 45 minutes from home. The pay isnt terrible, and i love my coworkers, but all i would get is the NYS disability for maternity leave.So, we'd really have to start saving $ now to pay for our mortgage while i'm out of work. But i'd have the ability to come back after having a baby and change my hours around if I want to. And build up my sick time this year to carry over next yr as addt'l vacation time- hopefully my boss would let me use all my time for maternity leave. or I've been interviewing at bigger companies,closer to home, that pay your disability either in full or most of your salary..and i'd be saving money on gas and probably making a little more money. But i'd be starting out new, probably wouldn't get vacation right away, and i'd still want to get pg this year..So it would probably look really bad to start a new job and leave shortly after to have a baby.
I dont know what to do. Anyone have opinions?
Posted 2/15/06 9:15 AM |
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Member since 10/05 11561 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: what would you do? work related.
I responded on the PG board.
Posted 2/15/06 9:18 AM |

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Eileen
Re: what would you do? work related.
Just an FYI but you're not covered by the FMLA until you're with a company for at least one year...
Posted 2/15/06 9:19 AM |
Should be working

Member since 5/05 2824 total posts
Name: G
Re: what would you do? work related.
I would think long-term rather than just getting through the pregnancy. If flexible hours will help you out for years, like if you think you could work at home a couple of days, or come in later to spend more time in the mornings with the baby - then I would stay with the current job.
Posted 2/15/06 9:28 AM |
soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: what would you do? work related.
i know i should think long term...but then i'm thinking convenience if i can work closer to home...but, in a bigger company, they might not be so accomodating if i need to work a little less than full time! arrh....i just dont know.. I guess i can just interview and if something sounds really good, then go for it. .
Posted 2/15/06 10:10 AM |
Should be working

Member since 5/05 2824 total posts
Name: G
Re: what would you do? work related.
That's a good idea, to interview, see if you really like what you see, then decide. Good luck with your decision!
Posted 2/15/06 10:17 AM |
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