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ADVICE NEEDED: Am I creating a bad habit?

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Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


ADVICE NEEDED: Am I creating a bad habit?

DD is 4.5 months old and prior to last week, she had been sleeping through the night. Last week she started getting up at 4am every night. I would try to rock her back to sleep and if that didn't work I would give her about 1/2 a bottle. If she still didn't go back to sleep I would put her in the swing and she would eventually fall asleep until about 7-8 am, which is the time she used to wake when she was sleeping through.

DH was with her Thurs Fri & Sat night and when she woke up he immediately gave her a bottle and she would go back to sleep for about 1-2 hours and then wake up again so he would put her in the swing and she would go back to sleep.

So, last night I was home with her again and she woke up at 4am so again I tried to rock her and she was wide awake so I put her in the swing and she eventually went back to sleep until about 7:30.

I'm trying not to get her used to eating in the middle of the night again so if she isn't looking to eat I don't feed her but am I creating a really bad habit by putting her in the swing every night now? If so, how do I break her of it before she becomes too accustomed to it? Any other suggestions on how to get her to sleep through the night again?

Message edited 9/12/2006 5:17:48 PM.

Posted 9/11/06 8:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/05

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Re: Am I creating a bad habit?

Maybe try giving her water instead of milk or a pacifier. Do you have a mobile in her crib. DS has woken up 2 nights in a row and I rock him back to sleep with the mobile on and put him back down. I dont give him any milk.

Posted 9/11/06 9:25 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Re: Am I creating a bad habit?

I'm having very similar issues with DS. he is almost 4 months old and has begun waking at 4AM too. I guess babies like 4AM wake up calls. It's been happening for a few days now and we haven't figured out a solution. We just keep going into his room and rocking and giving back the paci (he doesn't seem hungry). We eventually feed him at about 6AM. This morning, he went back for a nap at 7AM and is still napping!

If he could only add these 3 hours onto the night sleeping, we would be very happy parents!

Posted 9/11/06 10:23 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Am I creating a bad habit?

Should I stop rocking her or putting her in the swing? Is she too young to let her CIO?

Posted 9/11/06 3:38 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: ADVICE NEEDED: Am I creating a bad habit?


Posted 9/12/06 5:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Re: ADVICE NEEDED: Am I creating a bad habit?

I would continue to rock her. We try not to use the swing at night, but he naps all day in his swing.

I don't know about CIO, but I think DS is too young, bt that is just my opinion.

Posted 9/12/06 5:55 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/06

45 total posts


Re: ADVICE NEEDED: Am I creating a bad habit?

She's too young to NOT feed her in the middle of the night. I think most sleep books and Drs say about 9 months is when you can consider not feeding at night. You should check with your ped about their suggestioins about night feedings.

What time is she going to sleep? If she's sleeping until 4am and has been asleep for more than 5 or 6 hrs, that's considered sleeping through the night! It's very normal for them to sleep a long stretch but be up at 4 for a feeding, I know it's hard for you though.

My daughter was also sleeping 10 hrs w/o waking from about 2-4.5 months, but between teething and growth spurts she wakes again, she's almost 9 months.

Message edited 9/12/2006 8:07:53 PM.

Posted 9/12/06 8:07 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: ADVICE NEEDED: Am I creating a bad habit?

So it's not like taking a step backward to start feeding her at night again? I think she is eating enough during the day.

Posted 9/12/06 10:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Re: ADVICE NEEDED: Am I creating a bad habit?

DS woke up again at 4AM. We tried soothing him a few times and putting him back in his crib. He wouldn't go for it. Then we put him in his bouncy seat on our floor and he is still asleep. DH is convinced he just wants to be near us. He does not normally sleep in his bouncy.

Posted 9/13/06 5:56 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/06

45 total posts


Re: ADVICE NEEDED: Am I creating a bad habit?

Posted by pharmcat2000

So it's not like taking a step backward to start feeding her at night again? I think she is eating enough during the day.

no not a step back IMO, just another stage that baby will go through.

Posted 9/13/06 8:13 AM

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