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Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

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I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

I called my doctor this morning because I'm in so much pain today from the shot last night that I had to stay home from work. It's not so bad when I sit down for a while, but as soon as I try to get up, it really hurts. It hurts to walk too. And I kept waking up last night because every time I moved my left leg, the pain was so bad that it would wake me up.

So my doctor called in a prescription for that vaginal medication (I forget what it's called) but she said that I can alternate the shots with this new stuff.

Thank goodness! I seriously couldn't take any more of this!

Posted 9/20/05 1:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

Annie, That's great, I'm sure you'll start to feel better soon!

Posted 9/20/05 1:51 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

No more pin cushion!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon
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Posted 9/20/05 2:36 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

That's good news. Prepare for the drip :) lol The progesterone suppositories drip. I recommend you use a pantiliner. I am curious what mg they give you annie,....let me know if it's 200 mg or 400 mg.

I am always on 400 mg, but this time I am on 200 mg. Not sure if it's because I got it from a different pharmacy or what. Usually I get it delivered from Kraupners Pharmacy. This time I picked up from a local one. The one from Kraupners comes in a very large pill container....the one from the other pharmacy, the suppositories are in plastic and says it should be refrigerated. I never used to refrigerate them, each time I am on them, something new happens lol.

Posted 9/20/05 2:46 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

Im so happy for you.Im still doing both shots and suppositories. Mine are the caplets...not as messy as the other ones. Like redstar said...use a pantyliner.
Im in so much pain too from the shots, that when I stand up it hurts.....Im so glad you dont have to take them anymoreChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/20/05 3:01 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

Oh Annie, that is good news!! And to think, I get acupuncture VOLUNTARILY!! LOL.....

Listen to the other girls with experience and I am so happy for you again!!

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Posted 9/20/05 3:39 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

Posted by redstar

That's good news. Prepare for the drip :) lol The progesterone suppositories drip. I recommend you use a pantiliner. I am curious what mg they give you annie,....let me know if it's 200 mg or 400 mg.

I am always on 400 mg, but this time I am on 200 mg. Not sure if it's because I got it from a different pharmacy or what. Usually I get it delivered from Kraupners Pharmacy. This time I picked up from a local one. The one from Kraupners comes in a very large pill container....the one from the other pharmacy, the suppositories are in plastic and says it should be refrigerated. I never used to refrigerate them, each time I am on them, something new happens lol.

Ok - I just got back from the pharmacy. I'm taking 200mg of Prometrium 3x/day.
And the nurse had already told me about the dripping Chat Icon
But I'll take a little dripping over feeling like someone punched me in the butt 100 times anyday!

Posted 9/20/05 5:22 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Finally! Relief from the progesterone shots...

Thats great news! I give ya credit for dealing with them this long! Chat Icon

Posted 9/20/05 6:07 PM

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